If You Can Upload a Video, You Can GET Some HIGH Paying Buyers

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

I know, you’re expecting an edu update or a FREE backlink everytime you open my message [not gonna disappoint you this time either :-) ]. But the actual purpose of THIS message is not to give you a backlink or an advice. It’s something REALLY VALUABLE for anybody who works (or like to work) online. And like the title says, if you know how to upload a video, you are eligible to find new clients ‘even if you don’t know how to offer a service‘ that’s the point.

(PS: Here you’re with the EDU SQueezeR family and so, don’t tell me that you’ve no idea what to offer. Can’t you offer edu backlink service? Can’t you offer SEO Services? Can’t you offer simple FB page creation service? and there are a lot of simple services you can offer. If you still have no idea how to – what to – offer/sell as a service PLEASE HIT the reply button and ask me. I will FOR SURE make you offer something!!) To know what I’m talking about you may jump on this WSO thread: http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers-forum/457464-offliners-83-3-conversion-ratio-click-here.html

As you already know, my primary area of expertise is online services. I offer SEO, SMM, PPC, PR services and that’s where I really EARN. Why? Because when I sell a product or a course, all I can earn is a COUPLE OF DOLLARS. But when we sell services we can earn hundreds of (thousands of, if you’re smart) dollars. Now you get my point.

But, even if you offer excellent quality services – regardless of the niche or service you’re in ITS HARD to land on BUSINESS. So what if you don’t even offer/know a service? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about – Donald Wilson just launched a wonderful WSO (lets name it as [Offline + Facebook + Automated + PLR + SEO + UNIQUE] = Land A New Client NOW. LOL!! Yeah, its everything!!) where he teaches you not only ‘how to approach business people with a conversion of 83% (Whoa!!) but also to learn offering some services. A real business model for anybody!!

Don’t take my word for it, go to the thread, read what other warriors saying about it and THEN get your copy:- http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers-forum/457464-offliners-83-3-conversion-ratio-click-here.html

Have a wonderful day!!

Warm Regards,

Mervik Haums

I work with a team of professionals for NewGenre Business Solutions (Google top’er ‘Quality SEO Services’). Apart from that we own and operate a few services like an online news distribution

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