Trade deficit narrows as global demand slows

A truck transports a container into a port of Miami, October 4, 2007. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

A truck transports a container into a port of Miami, October 4, 2007.
Credit: Reuters/Carlos Barria

WASHINGTON | Fri Jun 8, 2012 1:34pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The trade deficit narrowed in April as slower growth in Europe and China bit into exports and the soft economy clipped import demand, a government report showed on Friday.
The trade gap shrank 4.9 percent to $50.1 billion, with exports falling 0.8 percent from last month’s record level to $182.9 billion, the Commerce Department said.
Imports dropped 1.7 percent to $233.0 billion.
Both imports and exports were still the second-highest on record. But with Europe teetering on the edge of recession, some analysts saw trouble ahead for overseas sales, which have been a driver of economic growth.
“With the euro zone crisis set to rumble on for some time yet, exports to the euro zone are only likely to fall further,” said Paul Dales, senior economist at Capital Economics in Toronto.
“The upshot is that net trade is unlikely to add much to GDP growth this year and may even subtract from it,” he said.
However, revisions to earlier trade data suggested economic growth in the first quarter was stronger than previously estimated. UBS Securities said GDP growth would likely be revised up to a 2.3 percent annual rate from 1.9 percent.
Exports to the 27-nation European Union fell 11.1 percent in April to $22.3 billion, but for the first four months of 2012 were 3.5 percent above the same period last year. The EU was the United States’ second-largest export market last year.
President Barack Obama, up for re-election in November in a race that could turn on the health of the economy, said on Friday that European leaders face an “urgent need to act” to resolve the region’s sovereign debt and banking woes.
Stocks got a lift from a report that Spain was set to seek EU funds to pump into its troubled banks. Worries about Europe have hung over financial markets in recent weeks, and uncertainty over the outlook has increasingly been cited by analysts as a factor weighing on the recovery.
A sharp slowdown in job creation has amplified worries about the direction of the economy. Economists are debating the degree to which the slowdown is temporary or a reflection of fundamental economic weakness.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Thursday the question of whether labor markets were poised for improvement would be the main one for policymakers at the central bank when they meet on June 19-20. Many analysts expect the Fed to ease monetary policy further this month, although others expect it to take a wait-and-see approach.
A second Commerce Department report showed wholesale inventories rose a greater-than-expected 0.6 percent in April to a record $483.5 billion.
Business inventories added only 0.21 percentage point to economic growth in the first quarter, but Friday’s report suggests they will be a bigger factor in the second.
Economists see GDP advancing about 2 percent in the second quarter. Some tweaked their forecasts after the data, with the slightly wider-than-expected trade gap in April detracting from growth estimates, but inventories adding a bit.
Exports to China, where growth is also slowing, fell 14 percent in April. On Thursday, China’s central bank cut interest rates for the first time since the global financial crisis in a bid to bolster growth.
China has been one of the fastest-growing markets for goods, and exports to that country were up 4.3 percent for the first four months of 2012.
The drop in overall exports in April mainly reflected less foreign demand for capital goods, such as aircraft, drilling equipment and machinery, and industrial supplies and materials, which range from cotton to chemicals.
Commerce Secretary John Bryson put the best face on the data, noting that “despite a variety of global economic challenges, exports in the first four months of 2012 continue to exceed their performance of 2011.”
The value of imports fell despite an increase in the average price of imported oil to $109.94 per barrel, the highest since August 2008. The volume of oil imports also rose slightly.
Oil prices have fallen sharply in recent weeks, suggesting the nation’s energy import bill could drop.
Imports from the EU slipped 11.1 percent to $31.0 billion, while imports from China rose 4.8 percent to $33 billion. By category, capital goods and industrial supplies and materials led the import decline.
The United States imported a record $5.5 billion worth of goods and services from South Korea in April. A free trade pact between the two countries went into force on April 15.
(Editing by Andrea Ricci and Dan Grebler)

A collection of EA can trade Forex, oil, gold and a host of other contracts

Many forex trader know just not this fact that they can other instruments and contracts of their platform metatrader used to trade forex trading. You can trade oil, gold, silver, stock indices, and even stocks of most of these platforms metatrader.
Just right click on the window market watch where the currency pairs are displayed and it will show you the list of other conventions which the MT4 Platform can be traded. As a trader, you should know that that chance keeps on shifting from one market to another.
This shift in the opportunity gives you the chance for timining market. Market timing means that you spot a trend in the market to develop. You place yourself for taking advantage of that trend. You are driving the trend to profit as much as possible and get out before it leaves become.
Now, gold is in an unprecedented bull market. Gold prices are at their historical high. Hgh are gold prices driven by the abuse and humiliation of the fiat currency that is going on there. People are afraid that fiat currency is losing value. After all, it’s just a piece of paper only supported with your own confidence in purchasing power.
So, those are the factors that are driving gold prices higher and higher. Some expert predict gold prices doubling $ 1,200 per ounce to around 2,500 dollars per ounce in the next six months. This is a historic opportunity. You must think gold along with forex trading.
Gold is also known as Anti-Dollar. Both have a strong negative correlation. When gold prices go high, Dollar is weak and when Dollar gets strong, gold prices crash. This is the way that it is. You can cover this fact both your positions in the gold market, as well as the currency market.
You can trade along with USDCHF pair XAUUSD. XAU is the symbol of gold. So essentially trade gold against Dollar is similar to the trade in another currency against the Dollar.
Now, you can also trade the same crude oil from th MT4 platform. There are currency pairs that have strong correlations with oil, such as the Canadian Dollar which has a strong correlation with oil. Whatever, now, oil prices have fallen, but once the world economy from the downturn comes, oil prices go climbing again. Some experts say that oil prices could reach as high as $ 200 per barrel. Whatever, with the dwindling supplies of crude oil under the Earth, the days of cheap oil are over.
As a trader, you would need to manage these three markets, gold, oil and forex trading. Now, good news, if you are forex trade, you can easily begin trade gold and oil. There are traders who expert advisors who can trade these markets have developed.
John Campbell lives in Malta and is a full-time professional gold, oil and forex trader plus a system developer, who is an Expert Advisor-collection can trade forex, gold, oil and a host of other contracts that stock indices as well as raw materials includes has developed. You should take a look at his EA collection.

Trading system that can trade all markets

Develop a good trading system is not easy. If you’re looking for an ultimate trading system that can trade all markets, such as stocks, forex, futures, options, bonds, commodities Etfs than read this article. Professional traders are still many years to develop a winning system. Experienced traders know this fact that money flows from one market to another. So to make a fortune, you must follow the trail of hot money. Requires a universal system that can trade different markets. A system should be tested under different market conditions and its many statistics compared to other trading systems before a trader can satisfied with the results.
A can a stock trading system that can swing trading or day trading stocks develop overtime. A can a forex trading system that can swing trading or day trading the currency markets develop. But you can create a system that all types of markets, such as shares, forex, futures, options, commodities, bonds and Etfs can trade develop?
It takes a lot of experience trading different markets over the years to develop such a universal system. Technical analysis fundamentals are the same for almost all markets. It is in the use of technical indicators that difference comes.
In forex trading would be the Group of technical indicators which you give the best system totally different from, for example, that best for trade in crude oil futures or gold-futures. Something that works in the Forex market works the same way, not in the stock market.
So how do you go about designing a universal trading system that can successfully all markets trade? Hard taste, but Mark Soberman, the President of the such Netpicks system was developed. Its high speed market Master day trading or swing trade system can shares, forex, futures, options, bonds, commodities, ETFs and he is willing to disclose the details of his system.

A collection of EA, the oil, gold, foreign exchange and a variety of orders, the trade

Many Forex traders simply not know this fact, that they can trade, other instruments and contracts with their MetaTrader platform that they use to Forex trading. You can trade oil, gold, silver, stock indices, and even shares most of these MetaTrader platforms.

You right where the currency pairs are displayed click on the market watch window, and it will show you the list of the other treaties, which can be traded from the MT4 platform. As a trader, you should know that this opportunity to from one market to another move holds.

This shift in the opportunity offers you the possibility for market how. Market timing means that you have a trend of development in the market on the ground. You position yourself for the benefit of this trend. Driving to get the trend, you will benefit as much as possible and out before it is too late.

Gold is now in an unprecedented bull market. Gold prices are their historical high. Gold prices are driven hgh by the abuse and humiliation of the Fiat currency, which already. People are afraid that Fiat will lose currency value. Finally it is secured only with your own confidence in its purchasing power only one piece of paper.

So, are the factors which higher and higher gold prices. Some experts are predicting gold prices double from $1200 per ounce to around $2,500 per ounce in the next six months. This is a historic opportunity. You should think about gold along with Forex trading.

Gold is also known as anti-dollars. Both have a strong negative correlation. If the price of gold go up, dollar will crash weak and get dollar strong, gold prices. This is the way how, that is it. You can both your positions in the gold market as well as the foreign exchange market to hedge this fact.

You can trade a USDCHF few together with XAUUSD. XAU is the symbol of gold. So in major gold trade against dollar, dollar is similar to all other trading currency.

Now you can trade even crude oil from th of same MT4 platform. There are currency pairs with strong correlations with oil like the Canadian dollar, which has a strong correlation with oil. Whatever, right now, oil prices fall which but, as soon as the world economy out of recession, oil prices will rise again. Some experts say that the price of oil can reach as high as $200 a barrel. What, gone with the dwindling supplies of crude oil under the ground, the days of cheap oil.

As a trader, you should master these three markets, gold, oil and Forex trading. Well, good news, if you have traded Forex, easily you begin trading with gold and oil. There are dealers that expert advisors have developed that these markets can be.

John Campbell lives in Malta, and is a professional full time-gold, oil and Forex trader and a system developer who expert collection has developed one Advisor, which can trade gold, oil, Forex and a variety of other contracts, equity indices, as well as contains raw materials. You should take a look at his collection of EA.

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

How to Trade Gold, Silver, Oil and Natural Gas ETF Funds

Commodities and stocks have been on fire the past two weeks and I think it just may be time for things to take a breather. While I continue to stay long, taking some money off the table to lock in profits is a safe play. Just from a quick glance at the charts we can tell the odds are pointing to some type of pause or pullback in the coming days. I figure any day now we could see some profit taking.

Gold ETF Trading – GLD

The Gold ETF is one of my favorite trading vehicles. Using simple trend lines and looking at the recent price action you can see that the price of gold is looking ready for a pullback. Buying at this level is chasing and that generally means you buy at the high and panic out at the low.

Silver ETF Trading – SLV

The Silver ETF looks to be in the same boat as gold. I expect to see some sideways price action or a pullback.

Natural Gas ETF Trading – UNG

The Natural Gas ETF sure has given everyone a wild ride in the past 6 months. The bear market is still in place which can be seen on the daily chart. So far this week the price has broken down and trading at the $11 support level. This fund could generate a buy or sell signal with my trading model in the coming days so I am waiting for a clear entry and exit point before jumping on the gas wagon.

Crude Oil ETF Trading – USO

The Crude Oil ETF has broken above its resistance trend line this week but still struggling to move above the August high. Volume is declining while the price rises which is a bearish indicator. USO looks ready for some type of a pullback as it digests this breakout before moving higher.

Mid-Week GLD, SLV, UNG, USO ETF Trading Report

What does the general public hear and think about the stock market?

From recent emails, local financial news shows, family, friends etc… all I am hearing is how strong the market is. Indexes are making new yearly highs and company earnings are better than expected this quarter. Sounds like all we need to do is buy and life will be great!

Well in my opinion the market is the perfect tool for misguiding and frustrating the general public. All my indicators are telling me we need more of a correction before rallying much higher. The market (smart money) generally anticipates good and bad news several weeks if not a month in advance. So the question is:

Are company earnings already priced into the market? Is all this positive market coverage getting the general public to buy up here at this possible market top?

The answer is, only time will tell. No one knows for sure what the market is going to do but short term moves can be predicted with relatively high accuracy. Don’t get me wrong, I am still bullish on the market but with all this good news becoming public information you have to wonder what is next. I am still long the market but trimming my positions to lock in profits and still stay in the game.

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

Fair Trade Gold – Fair Prices, Greener Gold

A new initiative has been announced that will allow gold miners in developing counties to sell their gold under a new labelling system of fair trade. A partnership between Fair Trade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) and the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) is making the initiative possible. Also, consumers are now able to choose to buy fair trade gold the same way they can purchase fair trade olive oil, avocados, tea, or coffee. This is an important option for consumers to consider because, even though most of the gold in the world is mined by large companies, about 15% is mined by artisanal miners using basic equipment and tools to mine the precious metal.

Many artisanal miners come from impoverished areas where the income of the miners is the driving force of the economy. There are many communities like this around the world. In fact, the livelihoods of about 100 million people depend almost solely on small-scale miners’ abilities to make a sale from their mining efforts. In the past, it has been unfortunate that these artisanal miners have not been given a fair price for their gold. Without access to global markets, many gold miners have no choice but to sell to middlemen at incredibly unfair prices. However, the new initiative will put an end to this and ensure fair trade gold prices for these impoverished
Artisanal miners being positively influenced by fair trade gold have more problems on their hands than just the price they can sell their gold for. They are often exposed to toxic substances, mercury in particular, as they attempt to isolate the gold they mine from other minerals. This causes long-term damage to the miners themselves along with their environment and others in the community. Also, since many of these small-scale miners are located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, issues such as war are a serious problem. More than five million lives have been lost because of civil wars.
Therefore, another important facet of the fair trade gold initiative is that gold eligible to receive the fair trade certification will need to have been obtained in an as minimally environmentally damaging way as possible while also not causing or promoting violence. In fact, miners who avoid harmful chemicals in their mining processes will be awarded an “ecological premium.” The Fair Trade logo, which is recognised by 70% of UK consumers, will provide you with a reliable point of reference in the confusing jewellery

Learning Search close to the course, start trading commodity trade goods

To start learning to trade items your decision gives a completely new insights throughout the world of the commodity futures trading. It is across the entire spectrum of precious metals, such as cereals and global commodity markets in a particular sector. You may have heard concerns about how now occur in the entire range of the price fluctuation of doubt, energy security and oil trade New York Mercantile Exchange. Price movement, gold, silver, other precious metals, cocoa, why should something that caused the surge suddenly Coffee futures prices.
Training providers find the best quality products are very important, because these to research market is exciting. Go to learn how trade items? Feel comfortable entry into the world commodity markets have confidence to something and need to master important areas. The course to provide the product first, if you are a trade do trade goods. Your VA education using start online training package material study at home or at school products for students and future all aspects to cover trading best quality attend.
What’s the benefits of commodity trading school to attend? Face is the contact teacher and one to one coaching opportunity. A valuable asset, coach or they probably trade commodity markets and because coach has one or more courses from their knowledge in real trading experience. When learning the trade of the products in the classroom-oriented colleagues can network colleagues and sharing ideas.
Place of learning and, seeing the “live” trading shoulder could trade in real time from coach can learn. It’s live help settings description has learned what other theories in to help. Is a valuable education as an example of this, trading, products in fact, bring any sharp edges trading plans for tutoring, individual products created to help you. Trading centers of growth, now global training provider of where there might be close to finding one, such as Toronto, Dubai, London, Singapore, as well as major, such as our Center, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York.
What the benefits of trading online commodity package? Impossible sometimes to attend in your place or promise, its physical location. So why offer flexibility in scheduling your job merchandising techniques and basic aspects should try the online training package.
Trading course these online products to provide an email contact is just as teachers use video tutorials, charts, blog and Forum. Need access to special software trading different trading techniques, as well as covering learning objectives of the Cd or Dvd can be practiced most you too.
Is likely to cover what is to start learning to trade items? Expect the effect of supply and demand to see fundamental analysis considering the effect of commodity price war, inflation and economic cycle. Technical analysis is also important in understanding indicator moving average, and for entering the trade ends, and the Japan language candlestick of commodity trade volume resistance, Fibonacci, support graphs are included as signal.
E-trade understanding course any commodity futures and how easily how the margins of futures orders, commodity futures set and is more likely to show that how to hedge commodity works deal in. Psychology of trading, trading plan, merchandise is an important aspect of learning also preservation of capital risk management of the entire region. Explained the basic areas of all of these to start learning the trade.

You can trade in oil, gold, foreign exchange and other contracts, EA collection

Many Forex traders can use other Forex trading to trade agreements from the MetaTrader platform this fact simply don’t know. Stocks from the majority of oil you can trade, gold, silver, stock indexes, and these MetaTrader platform.
Just click in the market watch window displays the right currency pair and the displayed list of contracts can be traded from the MT4 platform and other. As a trader, from one to another market shift to keep should know this opportunity.
On this occasion give timining shifting market opportunities. Means to spot market development trends in market timing. Position for utilization of their own from that trend. Ride tends to get get delay before it and benefit to you whenever possible.
In the now, not gold, an unprecedented bull market. Gold prices are historically high levels. Is driven by the continued gold prices cheap hgh abuse and Fiat currency debasement. People are afraid to lose the value of Fiat currency. Eventually only one sheet of paper is a dedicated backup my confidence and it purchasing power.
Therefore, these are high, is a factor driving the price of gold. Some experts predict gold prices from about $ 2,500 per 1 oz, 1 oz $ 1,200 to double in next 6 months. This is a historic opportunity. Should you think about the gold and foreign exchange trading.
Gold anti-also called dollars. Both have a strong negative correlation. When you go to the high price of gold, dollar weak, when get and gets a crash of the dollar, gold prices. This is the way. To hedge the position both of you in the currency market money market as you can using this fact.
You can trade in the USDCHF pair XAUUSD. It is a symbol of the XAU gold. So essentially gold dollar trading is similar to the trading of the dollar against other currencies.
Now, you too crude oil from the eye to replace the same MT4 platform. It is the strong correlation between such as petroleum oil strongly correlated Canada $ currency pair. We are going whatever, now the crude oil price down world economic recession and soon, oil prices climb again. Saying that can reach some experts is $200 1 a barrel high crude oil prices. In the diminished supply of crude oil, the Earth, what in the days of cheap oil.
You need to master, gold, oil and Forex trading as a trader, these three markets. Now the good news is that you have been trading Forex, easy to start gold and crude oil trading. Traders have developed specialist can replace these markets Advisor is.
John Campbell, and living in Malta’s is a system developer and expert advisor collection you can trade other contract host contains the product as a full-time Pro Gold, oil and Forex trader gold, crude oil, foreign exchange and stock indices. Look at his collection of the EA you should take.

Commodities and stocks have been on fire the past two weeks and I think it just may be time for things to take a breather. While I continue to stay long, taking some money off the table to lock in profits is a safe play. Just from a quick glance at the charts we can tell the odds are pointing to some type of pause or pullback in the coming days. I figure any day now we could see some profit taking.
Gold ETF Trading – GLD
The Gold ETF is one of my favorite
trading vehicles. Using simple trend lines and looking at the recent price action you can see that the price of gold is looking ready for a pullback. Buying at this level is chasing and that generally means you buy at the high and panic out at the low.

Silver ETF Trading – SLV
The Silver ETF looks to be in the same boat as gold. I expect to see some sideways price action or a pullback.

Natural Gas ETF Trading – UNG
The Natural Gas ETF sure has given everyone a wild ride in the past 6 months. The bear market is still in place which can be seen on the daily chart. So far this week the price has broken down and
trading at the $11 support level. This fund could generate a buy or sell signal with my trading model in the coming days so I am waiting for a clear entry and exit point before jumping on the gas wagon.

Crude Oil ETF Trading – USO
The Crude Oil ETF has broken above its resistance trend line this week but still struggling to move above the August high. Volume is declining while the price rises which is a bearish indicator. USO looks ready for some type of a pullback as it digests this breakout before moving higher.

Mid-Week GLD, SLV, UNG, USO ETF Trading Report
What does the general public hear and think about the stock market?
From recent emails, local financial
news shows, family, friends etc… all I am hearing is how strong the market is. Indexes are making new yearly highs and company earnings are better than expected this quarter. Sounds like all we need to do is buy and life will be great!

Well in my opinion the market is the perfect tool for misguiding and frustrating the general public. All my indicators are telling me we need more of a correction before rallying much higher. The market (smart money) generally anticipates good and bad news several weeks if not a month in advance. So the question is:
Are company earnings already priced into the market? Is all this positive market coverage getting the general public to buy up here at this possible market top?
The answer is, only time will tell. No one knows for sure what the market is going to do but short term moves can be predicted with relatively high accuracy. Don’t get me wrong, I am still bullish on the market but with all this good news becoming public information you have to wonder what is next. I am still long the market but trimming my positions to lock in profits and still stay in the game

How to Trade Penny Stocks Using Trends and Sectors

Learning how to trade penny stocks for those wishing to use a momentum or swing trading methodology requires diligence and an ever watchful eye on the fickle wants and needs of the market. What may be a blazing hot sector today could be stagnant tomorrow. Investors and traders that execute momentum and swing trades realize that short term gains numbered in days or at the most, a few weeks is desirable.

Penny stocks in the energy sectors and gold sectors are ideal candidates for utilizing this methodology of trading. Spikes in the cost per barrel of oil caused by a geo-political event can result in oil stocks rising as investors flock to these stocks to ride the wave of profitability as oil prices surge. The same goes for gold stocks. As the price of gold per ounce increases because of a dip in the economy or an event rocks the financial world, investors buy into gold stocks to ride the momentum for profit.

During certain times of the year, some stocks are ideal for trading with trends and sectors. Companies that provide goods and services that provide relief during catastrophic events such as hurricanes are excellent choices during the hurricane season that plagues the southeastern United States during the fall months of the year.

Investors and traders that keep their eyes on current trends realize that there is most likely a company trading on either the OTCBB or Pink Sheet stock exchanges that has a product that has the potential to meet the demand. One area that always evokes strong opinions is the stem cell industry. Whenever legislation is before the houses of Congress concerning stem cells, stocks that are associated with stem cell research always surge in anticipation of legislation going forward.

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