Some Tips to Avoid Comment Spam On WordPress Sites

Spam is a complete nuisance and I am sure that most bloggers would have experienced it at some point in their blogging career. Not only can it slow down your blog, it can also eat up your resources. If you have a popular WordPress blog and have not yet been hit by spam, then it is only a matter of time before the spammers find you. So be prepared for it. Besides, when people see spam in your blog comments, it reflects that you are not interested in your blog and it leaves a negative feeling about that blog.

Unfortunately, there is no specific method or plug-in that will completely block off comment spam. Even Askimet, WordPress’ own plug-in can get its act wrong at times and let spammers into your blog. Most of you may be using Askimet, but it is wise to use other methods as well.

Mentioned below are some basic methods in combating comment spam on WordPress sites. Although I am not in a position to guarantee that these methods will totally eradicate comment spamming from your WordPress sites, it will to a large extent clean it up.

This is your choice and you can hold all comments that are being made to be moderated. If it identifies as a bot, then the chances are that the comment will be held for moderation. However, if someone comments in order to just to get a link, then you have the option to either block or blacklist him or her by marking his or her comments as spam. It may be painstaking, but if used together with Askimet, then there are very little comments to moderate daily.

All you are doing is that you are putting a tick mark stating that the comment author must already have a previously approved comment. That is to say if you trust a reader and approve their comment the first time, then their comments are approved automatically when they comment in the future. This not only saves you time but you don’t have to deal with approving comments on a daily basis. Besides, this also helps to avoid link spammers.

Basically, these are to avoid comments coming from enlargement and adult sites. You can put a list of words that allows WordPress to put them in the spam queue instead of the moderation one. However, you must filter them before doing so.

Set up a CAPTCHA code and this will ban most of the comments that come from automatic commenting software. This will also permit WordPress to only allow members to comment. Some spammers may also bypass this by registering in your blog/ site and then feeding spam comments later. You can identify these comments and delete them later and in the process also ban the spammer.

There are so many anti-spam plugins out there, but most of them will only slow down your blog and some of them even do not work. Askimet is a good one and it not only filters out your comment, but also tracks back spam. It is a WordPress plugin and it comes free for personal blogs. All you need is the API key. Business blogs have to pay a small monthly retainer fee and it’s worth it. Quiz is another good plugin that requires people who comment to answer a question. Since this cannot be answered by automatic comment software, this filters most of the automatic comment spam. However, remember to keep your question simple. Then there are other good plugins such as Simple Trackback Validation and BonusYou. These are needed only if you have heavy regular spam. There are also spam plugins but it may take too much of your time.

Largely speaking, there is no magic formula to totally prevent WordPress spam. If you implement the above-mentioned methods, it will largely reduce all comment spam from your WordPress sites.

This guest post has been written by Jerson from – the world’s fastest and most reliable global network – at&t uverse tv.

View the original article here

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

Google buy video site “YouTube” Google Buy Site

At least $ 1600000 deal with Google Inc. bought YouTube for online video revolution that will catapult the Internet search leader appears on the verge of a star. Google This is a very good step forward for the strategic as well as the possibility of a place do not grow large – that is, and video “Monday top Internet search leader Google video entertainment site YouTube Inc. bought $ 1.65 billion in stock, has agreed to pay the highest price the consumer-generated media.Site with more than $ 1000000000 in the value of a new generation of the first to combine two of the most popular online brands: Google, Web search and rapid innovation, and pipes, and his calm and Silicon Valley, which is busy sharing the video.It combines the largest and fastest access to the Internet with video entertainment, information, organized by Google and create new models for the growth of Internet advertising is a community experience. “YouTube team has built a platform of communication and a strong interest and part of Google’s mission is to organize information around the world, universally accessible and useful,” says Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. “Our companies share similar values ​​and have always put our users first and are committed to innovation to improve their experiences among themselves and with the natural partners to offer attractive services for users entertainment and media content owners and advertisers we are. “YouTube said on Monday it had signed distribution agreements with companies in a variety of music, and some analysts warn that while Google is still demanding to handle this.But the pending agreement, the investor behind Google shares $ 8.50, or 2 percent, the Nasdaq closing price Monday, 429.00 dollars – a level not seen since late April.Commerce, and rose to $ 431.55 from “YouTube in terms of value of traffic in the Internet sector, and is important, as real estate,” says Oppenheimer analyst Sasa Zorovic combines YouTube with Google’s advertising machine. Analysts said the market would go with a quick look at the video ads compared to Yahoo and start-ups with only a small foothold. Company officials said managers of the bank’s shares, is expected to close this quarter, the shareholders of YouTube and Google is cheaper to pay the tax free cash.In YouTube February 2005, YouTube, consumers and the media, people, and share custody of the original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube lets you upload and easily share video clips on the Internet, websites, blogs, e-mail.More information about the purchase of a Google video site if you visit our sites

Get the latest news from Tech’s technology sites

When a company looks back on the past few decades to infancy of the World wide web can be properly set up, it will probably be the way that the Internet is the largest learning tools since the printing press. African communities are small even when the basic power can sometimes be ??????, personal computers, the Internet changes the way people view the world. In addition to the millions of pages devoted to news, politics, and other things, tech news often subject matter on the dominant medium by technological discoveries. Here are some websites that can see the latest technology news.
CNet the site was a technology frontrunner for many years. Not only do they have a heap of news and stories dedicated to innovation, but they also have a seemingly never-ending amount of product reviews. In addition they operate site now allows you to download and test the applications on your computer, software or freeware shareware from around the world. Ask any hardcore computer nerd on this site, it probably will tell you they have it bookmarked, because they check with cNet at least once a day.
Close behind are ZDnet cNet. They have been around almost a long time, creating a great track record not only tech news but also with some of the best opinion, even within the company. A large number of reports available, which suggests there may be comments to fire back in iva´n is a playlist that you think is the ridiculous viewpoint. Remember, just because a person has something printed online, that doesn’t mean that she has a clue what they were saying. Just remember to remain civil when you create a guide.
Some of the new systems are best available technology should be excellent news divisions, as well as well. Web sites like the San Francisco Chronicle, CNN, MSNBC, and BBC all have Web pages with sections that are updated several times each tech days.
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