
populace about futures trading. Those who know about
trading are in an excellent position to reap
tremendous returns, while those who are under misleading
information miss out on this opportunity.

Granted, futures trading is not for everyone. But, it would
be of great benefit for anyone to learn more about this
investment vehicle than to dismiss it offhand.

If you wanted to invest in a commodity there are several
ways you can do it. Let’s take gold as an example.

One way to invest in the commodity “gold” is to own
shares of a gold mining company. That way, if the price
of gold increases there may be a rise in the share price
of that company.

Then again, the price of that company’s share may not
increase, or only increase a portion of the actual increase
in the gold price. There are many other variables at play
that may prevent those share prices from increasing.

Another way to invest in the commodity “gold” is to actually
buy gold, such as coins or wafers, and if the price increases
you can sell it for a profit. But, there may be all sorts of fees
and charges in addition to the price you pay for the gold,
which means you are really paying more than fair market

In these two instances we are predicting an increase in the
price of gold. But, what if the price goes down. Then, you
have taken a loss on these transactions.

Of course, you have taken a loss only if you sell your shares
in the gold mining company, or sell the actual gold you are
holding, otherwise it is just a loss on paper. Naturally you
would like to hold on to the shares, or the gold, in the hopes
that the price will eventually increase and you can at least
recoup your initial investment, if not come away with a small
profit. But, that could take some time.

Another way to invest in the commodity “gold” is to purchase
a gold futures contract. This is very easy to do, and you can
go long a contract, or short, depending on where you see the
price of gold heading.

Trading futures contracts gives you powerful trading
advantages not found in any other type of investment.
Futures contracts, regardless of the underlying commodity,
provide you with a very powerful
trading advantage in
several ways.

1) Almost anyone can do this.

Trading futures contracts is not rocket science. It doesn’t
matter about your age, gender, level of education, or present
circumstances. Almost anyone can learn how to trade futures

The futures trading community is made up of stay-at-home
moms, retirees, students, couples or individuals
trading part
time, and many others too numerous to mention in this brief

Like any other skill you start by learning the basics, and once
you have mastered them you can go on to more advanced
techniques. The great thing about futures
trading is that
trading basics are really all you need to take advantage
of the opportunities to reap tremendous profits. The basics
will provide you with a solid foundation should you wish to
try out other
trading systems in the future.

2) Efficiency.

Futures markets trade massive volumes and attract global
involvement. This makes these markets extremely liquid, which
in turn allows traders to enter and exit the markets easily and
efficiently. Traders are able to buy and sell very large, or very small, orders without penalty.

Also, most electronically traded futures markets are open
nearly 24 hours a day, allowing traders to enter and exit
markets without having to wait for the exchange
floors to open.

3) Transparency.

The massive trading volumes and global public input in futures
trading creates actual price discovery. This means the trading
price, at that moment, is aggregate of the opinions of all the
traders buying and selling that commodity. It is like a global
auction, with people bidding from around the world.

And, the prices listed on the commodity markets throughout
the world and instantly transmitted all over the world. These
prices are available im
mediately, and help every trader, and
others interested in the price movements, make better-
informed decisions.

4) Pure play.

A pure play means that if you want to buy a commodity such
as gold, then buy gold futures, not shares in a gold company
or bullion. The shares may not increase, for any number of
reasons, as the price of gold increases. Buying bullion may
not be cost effective.

Buying gold futures contracts is the most efficient and cost
effective way to play the gold market. This goes for all the
other underlying commodity markets as well.

5) Leverage.

When you trade a futures contract you are required by the
Commodity exchange to put up a margin amount. If your
previous investment experience has been in the stock markets
you know the term margin has to do with a cash down payment
and money borrowed from a broker to purchase stocks. In
trading, the term margin has an altogether different
meaning and purpose.

Rather than providing a down payment, the margin required for
futures contracts is actually a performance bond, or, a good
faith deposit.

Margins are set for each commodity by the Commodity exchange.
The margin amounts are subject to change by the Commodity
exchanges, and usually depend upon the volatility of the commodity.

Margin amounts are minimal when compared to the overall value of the contract.

Commodity markets offer investors an opportunity to diversify
their holdings, and the potential to earn a higher rate of return. This higher rate of return stems from the fact that futures
trading is a highly leveraged form of speculation. In other words, a small initial investment controls contracts worth a great deal more. This is because as a futures contract rises or falls, the unit price is magnified by the degree of leverage.

Let’s look at an example to help clarify this.

A futures trader buys one (1) contract for Corn at an entry price of $2.00, and later sells that contract at an exit price of $2.10.
This represents a return of 83%.

Here’s how it works: 1 contract of corn represents 5000 bushels. The entry price was $2.00, which is $2.00 a bushel, making the total contract worth $10,000.00.

Let’s say the margin requirement for corn is $600.00. So, for
$600.00 you are controlling one corn contract worth $10,000.00.

The contract was sold for $2.10, for a total contract value of
$10,500.00, which means that trader has made a profit, before
commission, of $500.00.

So the trader has basically invested $600.00 and has made a
return on that investment of $500.00. The return on investment
of $500, divided by the margin of $600 = an 83% return on that

This trader has made a profit of $500.00,less commissions, and of course, still has the margin amount of $600.00,.

Leverage is a two-edged sword. It can create tremendous gains
or losses, so must be used wisely.

6) Transaction costs

Transaction costs in the futures markets are small compared to
most other markets. Commissions are usually $50.00 or less to buy and sell a contract which can easily have an underlying value of $50,000.00 or more.

7) Variety.

Futures markets provide a tremendous variety of investment
opportunities. There are the traditional markets like grains,
metals and food. There are financial futures markets that trade
contracts on all sorts of interest rates, stock indices, and
currencies. Then there are the energy futures markets that
provide opportunities in crude oil, natural gas, heating oil, and gasoline.

The incredible variety of futures contracts allows traders to
trading positions for nearly any opinion one can have
about the developments in the markets.

8) The Ultimate Home Business.

Can you think of any other business where you have an
opportunity to earn unlimited income, spend more quality time
with your family, have more free time for your other interests,
and live the lifestyle you want?

A home business where:

·Returns of 200%, and more, are very common, and those
returns are often made within a few days.

·It doesn’t require a big outlay of cash to get started.
(One trader, who became legendary, started with about $400.00
and turned that into about $20,000,000.00. yes, that is twenty
million dollars).

·As you can see from the above point, your profit potential is
virtually unlimited.

·Your income is not limited to your personal output. You do not
have to work harder or longer to make more money.

·You are in full control of your business. You make all of the
decisions, and answer to no one.

·There’s no marketing or advertising expenses (in any other
business these are major expenses).

·Your business is global in scope.

·This is a cash business; you don’t have to worry about
any credit terms.

·Your business is recession proof, so it doesn’t matter what
the economy is doing.

·You don’t have to worry about payrolls, employee benefits,
absenteeism, or any staffing related problems, because your
business does not need employees.

·Because there are no employees you do not have any labor
costs, which are usually a very substantial expense in any

·Your start-up costs are up to you.

·Running your commodity trading business doesn’t take up
much of your time so you can have ample free time for your
family and other interests.

·Your overhead expenses are low.

·You determine how much time to spend on your business.
You can start small and grow at your own pace.

·Your business can be operated from just about anywhere in
the world.

·Your business involves products that are in constant demand
by people and businesses all over the world, yet you do not
handle these products. Therefore, you won’t have to worry
about selling anything, storing inventory, or having merchandise returned.

·There are no customer complaints, or outstanding accounts to
try to collect, because your business does not need customers.

·Your business has nothing to do with Multi Level Marketing, or
Network Marketing. You do not have to try and recruit others,
then help them to recruit others, and so on, and so on. There’s no down-line or up-line to worry about.

·Your business satisfies your intellectual (and often emotional) needs, as well as your financial needs. There’s nothing like being fascinated with what you’re doing. When that happens you’re not working, you’re having fun.

Futures markets represent a wide and diverse cross section of
the global economy. This diversification and the energetic nature of futures speculation make these markets attractive to many investors, whether they want to diversify their holdings or, are seeking a higher risk/return investment.

All serious investors should allocate some portion of their portfolio to futures trading.

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