Best Stock Investment in 2010 & Beyond

The best stock investment in 2010 and beyond could be a penny stock. But that’s pure speculation. The best stock investment available to any stock investor offers investment opportunities previously not available to every-day people. And its profit potential knows no boundaries.

Millions of American investors own just one form of stock investment: equity mutual funds that are offered by investment companies. There’s only one real shortcoming with these funds. Most mutual fund companies limit your choices to the conventional: a variety of domestic and international equity (stock) funds, and perhaps a few specialty funds. This limits your investment opportunities.

On the other hand, your chance of finding the best stock investment in 2010 by sifting through the thousands of issues listed on the major exchanges is nil. It simply won’t happen even if you’re cheating – not in one lifetime, anyway. The thing that makes investing so interesting to me is that no matter what happens in the economy, somebody gets rich by being in the right place at the right time.

The problem for most people in the past was that even if they had a great incite, they did not have enough money or know how to invest and make money from it. There was no easy economical way to place your bet. Now there is, in the form of a stock investment called an ETF (exchange traded fund). These are simply baskets of securities that trade like any other stock on an exchange. Now the small investor is on a level playing field, because the variety of these funds offered is extensive and still growing.

As they say, there are always investment opportunities somewhere. Now you know how to participate. Let’s look at some examples, starting with the recent past. Gold went to a record high in 2009 and might continue to climb if the dollar falls further. You could have simply made a stock investment before gold prices soared by buying an ETF. When the stock market got crushed in 2008 and early 2009 you could have been one of the few who MADE big money by simply owning an inverse ETF that goes up when stock prices fall.

Now let’s look into the future. If you think that the government’s actions in dealing with the financial crisis will result in higher inflation and interest rates… how can you protect yourself and profit at the same time? There are ETFs out there that amount to a bet on interest rates; and some that go up when the price of basic materials like copper, aluminum and steel go up.

How can you profit when real estate or oil prices surge? A simple stock investment, whether for $500 or $5 million, in the right exchange traded fund and you’re in. The list of investment opportunities goes on and on. Now you can invest in a broad array of alternative investments not readily available to you before. And you can put together a TRULY BALANCED portfolio through your brokerage account over the internet.

Go to your brokerage account, or another investment site, or Google “ETF”. Spend some time getting familiar with the list of exchange traded funds available. If you have an investment idea, you’ll probably find a fund that will accommodate you. Especially if things in the economy get dicey in the not-too-distant future, the best stock investment in 2010 and beyond will likely be on this list. Now even the small investor knows no boundaries.

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India’s Dramatic Gold Investment Renews Interest in Precious Physical Metals

The precious metals market was stunned when India opted to buy 200 tonnes, or nearly half, of the International Monetary Fund’s gold reserves. India’s dramatic play on gold is good for precious metals investors, and it generates renewed interest amongst traditional investors.

The Momentum is Shifting

Never particularly sought for its rapid changes in value, precious metals were present in only a handful of investment portfolios as recently as one decade ago. However, even amongst the general investing populace who hold greater amounts of debt instruments and stock portfolios than precious metals, a change in tide is occurring. After seeing silver prices rally from $4 per ounce nine years ago to $17, while consumer prices stayed flat during the same time period, precious metals are now more of an investment than a hedging instrument.

Two Untapped Markets

Nations, which have historically held vast precious metals reserves, and the common investor are the last frontier for precious metal investments. As countries and ordinary investors realize the potential of precious metals, namely silver, as both a hedge against inflation and as a way to solidify a portfolio, it is certain that prices will rise favorably higher than the percentage shift in demand.

Even India’s purchase of 200 tonnes of gold (which is approximately 1/12 of all worldwide production in 2006) was valued only at $7.5 billion. In the grand scheme of international debt obligations, gold and silver production is currently tiny to the amount of money that trades hands every day in the world economy. Should nations begin to stock up on gold and silver, the price could ultimately run through the roof, as less than $50 billion in gold and silver is produced each year while trillions of paper dollars are created by inflation and debt.

Why You Must Own Physical Metal

In the world commodities marketplace, there are billions of dollars of gold and silver that trade hands, but are never in existence.

In one recent example, an exchange-traded fund with more than $3 billion ceased trading. The fund was said to track the value of oil through counterparty trades and futures positions. However, after the closure of the fund, not a single oil contract was traded by the company to bring monies back to investors. The only saving grace shareholders had was the health of the Deutsche Bank, which backed the fund. However, had Deutsche Bank fallen on hard times, it would not have been able to pay out to the investors, who would have lost their entire investment – without a single drop of oil to show for it. The Physical vs. Paper Price Disparity

The rarity of physical metals is often understated. In the commodities marketplace, it is easily seen that the supply of paper gold and silver vastly outweighs the amount of physical metals being made available to investors. On the spot markets, investors pay a premium of only a few pennies, while physical trades often involve a premium of 4-5%. Why does this disparity exist? There is more relative demand for physical metals than there is for paper metals. Physical metals can only be created through mining and taking ownership of the metal, whereas paper metals can be created out of thin air via counter-party risk as seen in the oil fund mentioned above.

In today’s economy, cash is no longer king. Instead, paper monies are quickly being replaced by gold and silver, and the adage may easily become, “precious metals are king.”

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Gold investment fundamentals and capital transfers

Central banks of all kinds of pickles.

That’s badly slumping world economy on the overwhelming evidence.
* United Kingdom retail sales worst slump in 20 years to see.

* In Germany at the lowest level in two years

* New Zealand Central Bank economic growth slowed down and interest rates cut inflation is.

* Increase decrease in import and export record crude oil prices Japan Word ratio.

* United States unemployment rate in the four-year highs.

A man by the Central Bank of knee jerk reactions printing machines, is to hit the accelerator. This drug also the last 25 years between work while Central Bank hit not occurred from the 1930s is pre-Keynesian brick wall.

Newly-built Fiat currency carries or multiplier effect fall into the hands of shoestring, the ability to the crippled banking sector and hope that real people in the economy to make loans. Contains the gear and global economic debt carries the Federal Reserve system and its ilk aka established monetary policy is no headwind facing biggest threat

# 1-The money investors are aware of the risks inherent in the current financial system point.

Long banks can be associated with the beauty of capitalism, capital of freedom movement aka hedge & private equity funds to be held holds concentrated than smaller entities are moving rapidly.
* Direct loan mid-to small-caps entity is now also wearing hedge fund territory.

* Extract value through shareholder activism.

*, A large pool of many short sale capital of.

* Increase the private equity fund investment time horizon.

Very secretive and resident and non-transparent behavior is beyond the reach of the central banking system these entities are.

Do benefit from point # 2 hedge funds and private equity funds-fed handouts, and good will – wealth – provides functional currency as stable gold store!

Transfer of the financial system is similar to the explosion of information on the Internet is. Players use proprietary information are less enabled. Winners and losers. Betting against the mega banking system date established such as the right, bet investment money stock, gold ETFs. Will promote a long-term tendency soar Treasury of slow growth, continue to occur with the nonperforming-loan problem and as a result gold investment over a multi-year.

Short term opportunities

Until the above trend has a fast flip over technically, but stretched out over 3 months past the last two weeks. This is a technical pullback has not changed these fundamentals. That investing in gold with this basic story many ( using GLD gold exchange traded fund ) and is can get immediate purchase points for another gold.

Horizontal support confluence with 50 weeks price moving average convergence investment GLD fund-the strong support is $ 85. Before its just us and our position to add another profit money investment, another entry point is a matter of time.

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