A Contrarian Approach to Investing in Gold Exchange Traded Funds

There are plenty of reasons why Gold is the wrong place to invest at this particular moment in investment history. For starters, the largest holder of gold, the metal, is not the various countries in their formidable reserves. Instead, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are the largest owners of gold. This means that countries were able to offload this precious metal at an equally precious profit because retail investors were happy to pay the premiums they wanted. In return, large gold-holding countries like China were able to reinvest their new wealth in US Treasuries at rates that make even the most uninvolved taxpayer nervous.

Aside from the fact that retail investors, through exchange traded funds, hold so much gold, there is a point in the overall equity market where investors see the premium charged and limited upside potential in gold and realize that even after some form of recovery, equities are still cheaper. This has slowly been making itself apparent as gold as edged a little lower from its all-time highs and more money has started flowing into the equity markets – which are a lot more liquid and cheaper.

However, there are some options for people who want to play the gold game. Unfortunately, however, those options involve taking a longer-term, bearish stance on gold. Just as oil hit its high of nearly $150 in 2007 and remains more than 40% below that high today, it seems evident that when gold starts to pull back, it too might take some time to return to the recent highs (in fact, in the 1990’s, it seemed gold would never tough the $400 level again, yet here we are).

One way to capitalize on the long-term negative returns that gold is expected to deliver in the future, investors can invest in inverse exchange traded funds. By investing in inverse exchange traded funds, investors are essentially playing the odds that gold will depreciate in value. Understanding of course that gold will not drop overnight, some investors might become anxious with the little movement that such funds deliver, but just as surely as gold reached beyond $1,100 per ounce, it will also dip below that same $1,000 level again in the future. The question, of course, is when.

With the right amount of patience and a long-term strategy, investors could incorporate a bearish gold investment with other securities that are currently poised to rebound in the long-term, such as some equities that are currently out of favor. After all, contrarian investing has a history of making certain investors very rich.

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Trading and Investing in Commodity Market

Commodity market is a place where transaction of business occurs between all kinds of commodities. Initially only agriculture commodities were traded in the commodity market. But with the advancement of technology and industrialization, globalization commodities have crossed the barriers and now it allows all kinds of commodities traded. The gradual evolution of commodity market in India has been of great significance for the country’s economic prosperity.

Indian commodity market includes two big benchmarks

Multi Commodity Exchange and

National Commodity and Derivative Exchange. MCX ie Multi Commodity Exchange includes bullion, metals and energy commodities. NCDEX ie National Commodity and Derivative Exchange with allows investors to trade in agriculture commodities. Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited in Mumbai, is also an independent exchange recognized by the Government of India. National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited located in Mumbai is a public limited company.

Commodity trading is done on certain principles: First is that trading must be done on standard products only. Second principle is that commodity trading takes place through future contracts. Like any other investment commodity trading do involves risk. The chance to limit that risk comes with experience and knowledge of the various markets.

Some suggestions to trade in commodity market that a trader must follow are:

Define certain strict limits to define your damage.
To start trading wait for the appropriate time.
Dont change your way of reaction toward trading as we can see that markets trade in a same direction for a long duration of time.
Last but not the least select a qualified consultant from a good advisory and follow his advice for trading. Judge them on the basis of their reputation and the accuracy the provide on their tips.
And also do not change your advisor on a slightest damage as the stock market is a highly volatile place and your advisor or consultant are the only one’s who can help you in the worse condition.

As compared to other markets in the last ten years, commodity market has performed relatively better than other markets like bonds, equity or currency. However, the participation in future trading in Indian commodity market is very low as compared to other countries. Commodity trading includes: gold, silver, lead, nickel, zinc, aluminium, copper, crude oil, natural gas, menthol, soybean, guar seed, turmeric, cumin seed, palm sugar, gram, mustard seed and more.

It is advised to get commodity trading tips and commodity trading news from some stock advisory firm which provides accurate tips. They have data about the market which is based on research by using various technical tools & experience.

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Everything You Should Know About Gold Investing

I just wanted to take a little time to discuss Gold as an investment. As the worldwide economy staggers along, fear is in nearly every investment market from currencies, to stocks, to bonds, to oil, and real estate. Nobody really knows where to put their money or what will be safe. Therefore they are holding mainly cash. This is good if you are looking to maintain your wealth, but it will not grow your wealth, and in fact as inflation picks up once a recovery begins, your wealth will shrink. This is where gold can come into play.

Why Gold?

Gold is probably the soundest, safest investment in the world. It likely won’t return double digit percentage gains every year, but it will hold it’s value for the most part, and is a great hedge against uncertain times as well as inflation. The world economies have pumped trillions of dollars into the economy. This will likely lead to economic recovery, however when economies do recover, there will be extreme inflation in my opinion. This is why Gold is likely a great investment right now. Some experts predict it will go as high as $2000 – $2500 an ounce within the nest 2-3 years.

How to Buy Gold?

There are several ways to buy gold as an investment. You can buy and store physical gold which isn’t too bad since a normal sized safe deposit box can probably hold about $1 million in gold coins. Another way to invest into gold is to buy it through an Exchange traded fund that trades on the New York Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol (GLD). Sometimes the best way to invest in gold is just to buy gold mining stocks. As the price of gold rises the values of these mining companies will as well, since their assets are worth more.

As with any investment you should not put all your eggs in one basket. I would recommend maybe 10-15% of your total assets in Gold. If you think economic conditions will lead to Gold’s value increasing in the short term, then maybe a bit more would be ok.

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Investing In A Developing Economy – A Possible Solution To Global Financial Crisis


If there were security problems in Nigeria, no businessman would go to the country to explore opportunities, companies like Celtel, MTN, Etisalat, would not have ventured into security risk country to do business. Those who spread rumour about security and corruption problems in Nigeria are saying so to stop others from making money in the country. Figures don’t lie. They are the biggest testimonies for how conducive Nigeria’s environment for business and opportunities are. If you want to do business in Africa and record good returns on your investment, I welcome you to come to Nigeria. The political environment in Africa, particularly in Nigeria is tremendous.

Dr. Hamadoun Toure,

Secretary General,

International Telecommunications Union,

Cited in the Punch Newspaper, May 13, 2008)

What is happening currently with the Nigerian financial system is far from being affected in any way by the global credit crisis. At global level currently, the banks are under-capitalised, but Nigerian banks are over-capitalised. And I do not think this is a problem at all. I believe that Nigerian banks are under pressure from other economies within Africa continent that are affected by the credit challenges.

– Gordon Smith,

Head of Research, Africa and the Middle East, International Consilium,

(Reported in the Punch Newspaper, June 30th, 2008).

The foregoing statements aptly connote two understandings of the state of Nigerian economy. These understandings show that, the economy is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa and in the world. Although Nigeria has had hash economic history, it has undergone and still undergoing economic reforms, which are aimed at making Nigeria the Africa’s financial hub and one of the twenty largest economies in the world by the year 2020. Needless to say that the country has experienced political instability, corruption, and poor macroeconomic management in the past, this was responsible for unpleasant and harsh economic situation. The government relentless efforts to reposition the economy have translated into a remarkable economic growth and development. Several mechanisms have been put in place to sustain this growth and development, capable of balancing the interests of stakeholders. Perhaps, this view must have influenced Gordon Smith submission. He described Nigeria as the most dynamic market in Africa, which is under severe pressure from some countries in Africa to serve as a cushion against the effects of global turbulence. He also noted that some countries like Ghana, Malawi, Mauritius, among others were depending on her at the moment due to global risk exposure and that the country’s economy, led by the consolidated banks, was far from being affected by the global credit crisis currently rocking the world’s financial giants. He stressed further that foreign investors, who will be patient enough to weigh the Nigerian financial system on the credit risk perspective relative to global events, will find the nation’s financial sector more interesting to invest and raise capital from.

Faced with numerous challenges, Nigerian government is determined to strengthen, diversify and make the economy attractive and investment-friendly to both local and foreign investors. The government has adopted total liberalization and globalization as the economic policy, instituted privatization and commercialization programmes of public enterprises, provided total security for business and people, extended invitation to domestic and foreign investors, abolished laws inhibiting competition, embraced and fine-tuned policies to ensure quick realization of growth and development of all sectors of the economy. The effort is already paying off as Nigeria is now the focus for foreign investment thereby increased exponentially Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Scores of economic missions and delegations from developed and developing countries have visited Nigeria, thus accelerating the growth of the economy at a very fast rate.

It becomes pertinent to direct the course of this discussion to embrace the second understanding of the above statements made by Hamadoun Toure and Gordon Smith. However, it becomes more pertinent to enumerate the inherent investment opportunities in Nigerian economy before discussing the issue of security as raised by Toure.


No doubt, Nigeria is an investment haven with countless and lucrative investment opportunities including oil and gas, solid mineral, agriculture, tourism, telecommunication, power and steel, transport, trade processing zone, financial sector, real estate / property, manufacturing, sport and entertainment, and fashion industry. Investors have a wide range of opportunities to choose from. It is important to note that the rate of growth of investment is fantastic and exponential in any of these sectors. Investors are at advantage of presenting their products and services to already-made market taking advantage of the population of over 140 million.

In telecommunication, statistics reveals that mobile phone users in Africa were about 280 million, overtaking United States and Canada with their 277 million users in the opening quarter of 2008. With 70 million connections in 2007, the Continent became the fastest growing region in the world, representing a growth of 38 per cent, ahead of the Middle-East (33 per cent) and the Asia-Pacific (29 per cent).It was also revealed that the fastest growing markets are located in northern and western Africa, representing altogether 63 per cent of the total connections in the region. The record showed that Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Algeria, Tunisia, Ghana and South Africa are highly competitive markets in the Region. The record further contends that two-third of Africa’s telephony are in their early phase of development, with penetration rates below 30 per cent at the end of 2007.In percentage terms, it was noted that Africa is the fastest growing market in the world, but also the second smallest in terms of connections after Middle-East.

As Nigeria accounts for 57 per cent of the West Africa mobile phones, the country is acknowledged as the leading and the fastest growing telecom market in Africa. With mobile phone users at 44,932,181 and 734,444 for GSM and mobile CDMA respectively, her contributions to West Africa and Africa’s telecommunication growth can not be overemphasized. While the overall economic growth rate stands at 7% per annum, the mobile telephony is about 35-50%. Assuming that each of these connections was busy for a minute in a day, the country telecoms market has the capacity to generate over USD 16 million per day (USD16, 666,667) and close to USD 6 billion per year (USD 5,833,333,300). This is why telecom companies such as Visafone and Etisalat quickly joined the likes of MTN, Globacom, Celtel and other telecoms service providers in exploiting opportunities in the country.

Early this year, one of the main GSM service providers with a subscriber base of over 15 million announced a profit after taxation of USD650 million (78 billion naira) for the year 2007.Putting all these together, one can easily understand Toure’s submission describing Nigerian telecoms market as the best investment destination in Africa.

Recognizing the fact that the Nigeria telecoms industry is enormous and there is need to further exploit the sector to its fullest, the Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) and the Ministry of State for Information and Communications have made their positions clear by extending invitation to global investors for active participation in the sector as they are willing to grant pioneer status and license for prospective applicants for various undertaking such as Fixed telephony, Mobile telephony, Fixed satellite (VSAT),Paging, Payphone, Internet and other value added services.

With the above facts, one can safely conclude that Nigerian telecom sector offers fantastic and lucrative investment opportunities to global investors. And putting into consideration 40% GSM market growth rate in the first quarter of this year (2008), there is potential for high return on investment in this sector.

Agriculture, the dominant sector of Nigeria economy, engages about 70 per cent of the population directly and provides nearly 88 percent of non-oil foreign exchange earnings. It contributes about 41 per cent of the GDP of the country. The sector recorded an overall growth rate average of 7 per cent in the last three years, a major improvement from under 3 per cent in the 90’s.

Statistically, 91 million hectares of the country’s total land area of 92.4 million hectares is adjudged to be suitable for cultivation. Approximately half of this cultivable land is effectively under permanent and arable crops, while the rest is covered by forest wood land, permanent pasture and built up areas. Among the states, which have the most abundant land, areas are Niger (7.6 million hectares) and Borno (2.8 million hectares).

Agriculture crops in Nigeria are grouped into cereals, root and tuber crops, grains legumes and other legumes, oil seeds and nuts, tree crops, and vegetable and fruits. Governments and the Ministries of Agriculture have made land acquisition easy, encouraged agricultural practices, extended (still extending) invitation to foreign investors and have put in place several incentives to stimulate growth in the sector. Despite, the agricultural potential of Nigeria is barely being tapped and this explains the inability of the country to meet the ever-increasing demand for agricultural products and her rank as 55th in the world (although first in Africa) in farm output.

As the world experiences food crisis and persistent rise in fuel price, the country’s agriculture offers unlimited opportunities for foreign investors and the world at large to provide solutions to these crises. Foreign investors will find investments in cultivation of sugar cane, sugar beet, sweet sorghum, starch (corn/maize), palm oil, soybeans, jatropha, and algae. These products are lucrative as they are potential for biofuels, a good substitute for fossil fuel. Presently, there is a very high demand for these crops from the developed economies.

Solid Mineral is another sector with great investment opportunities. Nigeria is endowed with numerous mineral resources. Recent policy reforms have brought the solid minerals sector to the fore. The emphasis is on encouraging massive foreign investors’ participation in this sector as less than 0.5 per cent is contributed to the Gross Domestic Products from Solid mineral sector. However, the Ministry of Mines and Steel and the Ministry of state’s focal attention in the last one year is to strategically place the country in a better position to explore and exploit just seven minerals in the plethora of minerals so as to increase Gross Domestic Product to 5 per cent within the next few years. The seven strategic minerals are coal, bitumen, limestone, iron-ore, barite, gold and lead / zinc.

Coal can be found in Enugu, Benue and Kogi. Within these three districts 396 million metric tones can be demonstrated using JORC classification criteria, while an additional 1,091 million tones of inferred and hypothetical coal resourced for the areas studied is 1481 million tones.

Knowing fully that development of coal will assist in the realization of energy, the Government and the Ministries are inviting foreign investors to participate actively in the exploration and exploitation of the mineral. Companies such as Denver Resources and Western Metals have already committed US$10 million and US$15 million respectively for two coal fields in the country. Another Chinese firm, Grid Xin Yuan International Investment Company that is providing more than half of China’s electricity needs is also in the country, indicating their interest in the development of a coal field in Kogi State.

The Bitumen reserve in the country is estimated at more than 27 billion barrels of oil equivalent while iron-ore is estimated at over 5 billion inferred reserves with presence in Kogi, Enugu, Niger, Zamfara and Kaduna States. Gold in just 10 locations is estimated at 50,000 ounces, barites 10 million metric tones and limestone at 2.3 trillion reserves.

Talc with an estimated reserve of over 100 million tones can be found in Niger, Osun, Kogi, Kwara, Ogun, Taraba and Kaduna States.The colour of the Nigerian talc varies from white through milky-white to grey. The talc industry represents one of the most versatile sectors of the industrial minerals in the world. The exploitation of the vast talc deposits in Nigeria would therefore satisfy not only the local demands but also that of the international market as well.

The national demand for table salt, caustic soda, chlorine, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide exceeds one million tones. A colossal amount of money is expended annually to import these chemicals. There are salt springs at Awe (Platue State), Enugu, and Uburu ( Imo State), while rock salt is available in Benue State. A total reserve of 1.5 billion tones has been indicated. Government, to ascertain the quantum of reserves, is now carrying out further investigations.

In the same vain, large bentonite reserves of 700 million tones are available in many states of federation ready for massive development and exploitation, over 7.5 million tones of barite been identified in Taraba and Bauchi states, and an estimated reserve of 3 billion tones of good kaolinific clays has also been identified.

Gemstone mining has boomed in various parts of Plateau, Kaduna and Bauchi States for years. Some of these gemstones include Sapphire, Ruby, Aquamarine, Emerald, Tourmaline, Topaz, Gamet, Amethyst, Zircon, and Fluorspar, which are among the best in world. Good prospects exist in this area for viable investment. Understanding that this sector requires urgent investment, the Ministry has directed miners who are still in small artisan levels to form cooperatives so as to benefit from World Bank US$10 million assistance. Apart from this, three Nigerian Banks have also established solid minerals desk with fund of over US$ 8 million each for the development of the sector.

Foreign investors will find this sector worth-investing on as Nigerian governments have put in place various incentives and strategies for investment such as 3-5 years tax holiday, deferred royalty payments, possible capitalization of expenditure on exploration and surveys, extension of infrastructure and provision of 100% foreign ownership of mining concerns.

Recognizing that only a sustained macroeconomic environment and a sound and vibrant financial system can propel the economy to achieve the country’s desire to become one of 20 largest economies in the world by the year 2020, on the July 6, 2004 the Federal Government through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), under the leadership of its Governor, Professor Charles Soludo launched a 13-point reform agenda to restructure, refocus and strengthen the Nigerian Financial System. To complement this agenda, another comprehensive long-term reform agenda for the Financial System (the Financial System Strategy 2020-FSS2020) was launched. The grand objectives of these agendas are substantially being achieved. The country financial system now comprises of strong, efficient and internationally competitive banks with an eye for global markets, a capital market with highest returns on investment, in dollar terms, a sound and rewarding insurance industry and other competitive financial participants.

Gordon was right in his submission to have described Nigeria as the most dynamic market in Africa. His view that “foreign investors, who will be patient enough to weigh the Nigerian Financial System on the credit risk perspective relative to the global event, will find the nation’s financial sector more interesting to invest and raise funds from” x-rays the truth about the country’s financial sector.

The country’s banking system is the safest and the soundest it has ever produced in history. It is the fastest growing banking system in Africa and one of the fastest in the world. In fact, the most outstanding contribution towards realization of the country’s dream came from this sub-sector. Economic analysts have observed that it has taken Nigeria less than 3 years to achieve what it took South Africa 20 years to achieve in the area of banking. In a short word, a world-class banking system has emerged in Nigeria.

Statistically, banking sector contributes 10 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and represents 60 per cent of the stock market capitalization, while there was a reduction in the number of banks from 89 to 25, the number of banks branches rose by 33 per cent from 3383 in 2004 to 4500 in 2007. The total asset base of banks rose by 104 per cent from $ 26.8 billions ( 3.21 trillion naira) in 2004 to $54.7 billion ( 6.56 trillion naira) by mid 2007; capital and reserves rose by 192 per cent from $2.72 billion (327 billion naira) to $7.98 billion ( 957 billion naira); capital adequacy ratio rose by 42.6 per cent, point from 15.18 per cent to 21.6 per cent and ratio of non-performing loans total loan improved massively by 51.3 per cent, point from 19.5 per cent to 9.5 per cent. The sector has also remained one of the most profitable in the country’s capital market. It was noted that 13 out of 21 quoted banks on the Nigerian Stock Exchange recorded returns in excess of 100 per cent since January 2007.

According to the April 2008 edition of the African Business, (the best-selling Pan-African Business Magazine published in London) 18 out of 28 West African Companies with market capitalisation of more than $1 billion are Nigerian Banks. The magazine stated that First Bank Nigeria Plc with market capitalization of $7.4 billion remains the largest company in West Africa. Two other Nigerian banks namely Intercontinental Bank Plc and United Bank for Africa (UBA) remain the second and the third largest companies in the sub-region with market capitalization of $6.2 billion and $4.6 billion respectively.

Apparently, the rising tide of banks in the country from all indications has made the sub-sector very attractive, not only to local investors, but also to foreign investors, and in particular, foreign banks. For instance, the consolidation of Regent Bank, Chartered Bank and IBTC to form IBTC Chartered Bank attracted the interest of the Standard Bank Group, the largest financial institution in Africa with a market capitalization of $ 17.8 billion, whose subsidiary Stanbic Bank, also of South Africa has just sealed a Merger deal for the latest Merger in the country, Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc. In this direction, other foreign banks have started making enquiries with CBN of a possible Merger or take-over.

To further substantiate the opportunities the banking sub-sector offers the global investors, a cursory look into Intercontinental Bank Plc will reveal the success of banking system in the country. Intercontinental Bank Plc is known to be the second largest companies in West Africa to have recorded a phenomenal growth in gross earnings, which stood at $1.45 billion ( 173.5 billion naira) in 2008. This is an increase of 99 per cent over the $728 million (87.4 billion naira) in 2007, profit after tax grew by 102 per cent to $380 million ( 45.6 billion naira) as against $188 million (22.6 billion) in 2007, while the capital base rose to $1.67 billion from $1.31 billion. The bank deposit base soared to $8.75 billion ( 1.05 trillion naira), an increase of 126 per cent from $3.9 billion (468 billion naira) in 2007, while the total assets also recorded a quantum leap to $14.2 billion (1.7 trillion naira), representing a growth of 108 per cent from $6.86 billion( 823 billion).

The bank is also in strategic partnership with BNP Paribas, the world leading energy financing bank, Afrexim Bank; Export Development Canada (EDC); Finance for Development (FMO); China Exim Bank; Export-Import of United States; International Finance Corporation in financing projects in different sectors of the economy. However, it is relevant to say that the success recorded by Intercontinental bank is a good example of the Nigerian banks’ strength and prospects, and a testimony to opportunities available to global investors in the country’ financial sector.

Apart from the above, Nigerian Capital Market offers viable opportunities as it is positioned to help companies to raise capital, and to generate high returns on investment. Its total market capitalization has grown by over 4000 per cent to $100 billion (12 trillion naira) in March, 2008, up from $2.39 billion (287 billion naira ) in August 1999.Among emerging markets, the Nigerian Capital market remains one of the most viable in terms of returns on equity. Historically, the market has delivered 28 per cent returns.

Insurance industry is not an exemption to this growth and development the country’s financial sector is witnessing. Although there are few black spots on the regulatory handling, the industry has equally recorded success in their reforms and operations. With the inflow of robust capital, insurance companies are now faced with the challenges of delivering returns to shareholders, maximizing value and exploring overseas markets. Their presence can be felt in countries like Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome, South Africa among others.

Although Goldman Sachs’ report titled “New Market Analyst” with issue number 08/09 released on March 13, 2008 (cited in the Thisday newspaper March 19,2008) posited that Nigeria is a better economy than South Africa, International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that Nigeria and South Africa got close to 50 per cent of the $53 billion private equity and debt flow to Sub-Saharan Africa in 2007. This underscores the growing confidence of International bodies and foreign investors in country’s financial sector and economy at large.

Furthermore, Fitch Rating Agency and the Standard and Poor rated Nigeria BB-(minus) in the area of sovereign credit, high in development of local currency debt market, and low in the areas of debt to GDP ratio and inflation. The opportunities for growth in Nigeria financial sector are still strong as the underlying fundamentals driving the growth are still present. All these and more, position the financial sector and the country at large as a leading and most dynamic market in Africa and present viable investment opportunities to global investors.

Needless to say that the opportunities presented above are typical examples and an evidence of opportunities awaiting foreign investors in other sectors of the economy.

Nigeria is the largest producer and exporter of oil in Africa (although recently placed second behind Angola in the latest OPEC report as a result of Niger Delta Crisis) with a production of 2.5 million barrels and above a day. Besides, the Nigeria is the 7th world’s gas reserve holder and the highest flaring nation in the world, with the potential to become a major player in LNG export. It has annual gas flares’ capacity to generate over 12000 MW of electricity needed to catalyze the growth of any economy. Although it currently flares an average of 1.2 TCF of gas annually, the sector has the potential to generate great returns on investment.

One of the greatest opportunities awaiting foreign investors is Real Estate / Property. For instance, Lagos Metropolis with a population of about 18 million has attained mega city status. The State has one of the highest urbanization rates in the world according to the World Bank. Consequently, there is an insatiable demand for housing delivery, which has necessitated the introduction of the New Private Estate Developers Scheme. Under the programme, the government will make large parcels of land ranging from 1 to 25 hectares available to corporate organizations capable of undertaking development and delivery of housing units. Such organization must however demonstrate that they have the financial capacity and technical expertise to deliver quality and affordable housing units.

Among other sectors of the economy that foreign investors will find viable and worth-investing on are Transport, Sport and Entertainment, Tourism, Power and Steel, Export Processing Zones, Privatization. And available records reveal that the rate of returns in these sectors is as high as in the sectors discussed above.

Apart from the opportunities mentioned above which our office is strategically positioned to maximize opportunities for the benefit of prospective investors. We also offer consultancy services in the areas of general management, manufacturing, marketing, finance and accounting, personnel, research and development, packaging, administration, international operation, specialized services and other value-adding services. And our strategic partnership with national and international companies put us in position to deliver quality service and high returns on investment.

Nevertheless, there have been fears raised by international observers, agents and bodies that Nigeria is a high-risk nation for investment and other business transactions. This development is attributed to security, multiple taxation, epileptic power supply, bad roads and poor work environment.

It may appear that doing business in Nigeria is challenging because of the activities of a few untrustworthy Nigerians who are unscrupulous. But such are simply characterization of human nature; as it can be found anywhere else in the world. It must be said emphatically that the world has been biased in their judgment and treatment of Nigeria security issue. There have never been terrorist attacks, suicide bombings or kidnapping until recently when the issue of Niger Delta came on board.

Niger Delta region-the source of nation’s oil wealth- has become an area of perennial tension, agitation, and recently, militancy. However, a confluence of factors such as environmental damage by oil exploitation, failure to develop the region, lack of job opportunities and sense of deep deprivation from the low share of derivation revenue accruing to the states in the region, has led to the present situation. Acknowledging their situation, the Federal Government has organised a Summit, to be chaired by Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the United Nations Under Secretary General, to provide everlasting solution to the crisis. Frankly speaking, Nigeria is a safe and investment-friendly place and Nigerians are accommodating and industrious.

Cyber Crime is another fearsome crime, which often put-off prospective investors from involving or investing in the business opportunities in Nigeria. This crime was actually imported into the country by expatriates. It has never been part of Nigeria culture. It is perpetrated by a few section of the population. Their operations are carried out via Internet and their targets are people who transact business via the medium. They pose as government officials and sometimes as businessmen with United Kingdom identity who deal in digital products. However the list of their tricks and operations is not exhaustive. With the help of Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices and Related Commission (ICPC), and other Anti-Criminal Agencies, Cyber Crime and their perpetrators are under control and disappearing.

The grand objective of the present administration, as encapsulated in VISION 2020, is to make Nigeria a major industrial and economic power, and one of the 20 largest economies in the World by the year 2020 by providing enabling investment and business environment and maximum security for active participation of local and particularly, foreign investors. The realization of these aspirations had informed the radical and pragmatic reforms designed to increase the attractiveness of Nigeria’s investment opportunities and foster the growing confidence in the economy. In this direction, the Federal Government has provided incentives and strategies for investment such as 3-5 years tax holiday, deferred royalty, possible capitalization of expenditure and provision of infrastructures such as road and electricity, just to mention a few.

African economy is witnessing the strongest growth in 30 years; no doubt, Nigeria is one of the major contributors to this development. Most commentators have observed that the opportunities for business and investment in the country look increasingly rosy with GDP growth of 7 per cent in 2007 and 13 per cent in the next 12 years. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast of 9 per cent growth rate for Nigeria in 2008 (which is second to India 10 per cent and ahead of China 8 per cent) lays credence to their observations.

Furthermore, the increase in Foreign Direct Investment, the entrance of multinational companies, the strong financial sector, the favourable and tremendous business environment, the government support, the abundant natural resources, and the population of over 140 million people, among others, put Nigeria in a comparative ( and possibly absolute) advantage over other African countries.

Just as it is difficult to ignore China as a market in the global arena, (one out of every five persons in the world is Chinese) so is it very difficult to ignore Nigeria as a market in Africa (one out of every three persons in Africa is Nigerian). With a population of over 140 million people and its economic potential, Nigeria still remains Africa most important market.


Unlike China and India, African economy(developing economies) is yet to be integrated into the world economy. This is as a result of slow rate of integration and globalization at which the economy is being fixed into the global economic and financial system. Consequently, developing economies will only suffer a limited financial impact from the credit crunch. However, this is not to say that developing economies are in isolation and totally free from the crisis.

To grant a point, this paper will continue to use Nigerian economy for its analysis as it represents a paradigm of a developing economy with valid and considerable variables.

According to the report from a recently concluded Bankers Committee Meeting, which ended on October 20 th, 2008 , the Nigerian banks are safe as they operate at 22 per cent capital adequacy ratio( 14 per cent above the world 8 per cent requirement) and the financial sector is far from being affected by the current global financial crisis. The report also posits that any bail-out scheme is unnecessary as the situation that warranted bail-out schemes in developed economies- poor quality assets and heavy loan losses resulting from exposure to inadequately collateralised mortgage loans- is absent in Nigeria. To underscore its point, the report noted that, as the Direct Foreign Investment in Nigerian banks is comparatively low and the banks connection with their foreign counterparts is loosely fixed, the impact of the crisis will be limited and indirect.


The words of Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing Director of International Monetary Fund, at a meeting in Washington D.C are the corner stones of the concluding thoughts of this paper. He stressed as follow:

We meet at an extra-ordinarily difficult time- a time of uncertainty and insecurity, with a danger that those fears push us away from- not towards- a more inclusive and sustainable globalization….At its best, multilateralism is a means for solving problems among countries, with the group at the table willing to take constructive action together. When multilateralism is dysfunctional, globalization can be a Babel of Tower, with competing national interests colliding to benefit none. The new multilateralism, suiting our times, is likely to be a flexible network, not fixed system. It needs to maximize the strengths of interconnecting actors, public and private, profit-making and civil society Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The multilateralism must respect state sovereignties while solving interconnected problems that transcend borders…The private sector cannot restore confidence on its own. Macroeconomic policy measures by governments cannot restore confidence on their own. Piecemeal measures on financial markets will not restore confidence on their own. What will restore confidence is government intervention which is clear, comprehensive and cooperative among countries..The world must act quickly, forcefully and cooperatively to contain the ongoing financial and economic downturn.

Thus, the position of this paper is that the confidence will only be restored if “government intervention which is clear, comprehensive and cooperative” is complemented with investment in developing economies with less or no crisis impact as “flexible multilateralism” and cooperative and sustainable globalization is solution that suits our time, not” economic isolationism”.

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Selling And Investing In Gold

For all practical purposes, gold is a solid investment. Yet, be cautious and informed, as many can be fooled. Selling your gold can be tricky, but investing in it can be fun! Currently there are a slew of commercial and advertisements about companies who promise you big money for your old gold jewelry. They sell you on the concept that your old gold jewelry can earn you quick and easy spending money. They will even give you a pre-paid envelope for you to send your old gold jewelry to them in exchange for quick cash. They use repetitive psychology to convince you that your jewelry has no value because it is old, but they will give you quick cash for it anyway.

This should have red flags all over it, but unfortunately, many people will fall for their sales pitch and mail their jewelry to an unknown entity in exchange for much less than what their gold jewelry is probably worth. They know what most people don’t. Gold is a very valuable investment. Even in the form of old jewelry.

This is not to suggest you run out and pay retail for gold jewelry. Still, investing in gold is probably much easier than you might think. As opposed to investing in stocks, which are attractive because they are readily transferable and easier to access, Investing in commodities such as oil or gold tends to be a little tricky. Obviously, you cannot go out and purchase a barrel of oil.

Gold is more available to the average investor because it can be purchased in the form of bullion (pure gold in its original physical form.) Gold dealers or banks can handle the transaction. Because of the unreliability of stocks, particularly in today’s economy, with access to today’s advanced financial resources, it has become easier to Invest In gold. It is no longer necessary to actually make a purchase of the physical metal. Through Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), one can own gold in the form of gold shares. Each share represents one-tenth of an ounce of pure gold. This investment is easy and inexpensive and very attractive to the novice investor.

Unlike stocks and bonds, which can be rendered worthless overnight, gold prices are determined by the economy. The worse the economy, the higher the value of gold. With the current economic status, now would be an excellent time to invest in gold.

Gold as an investment is usually purchased in Bullions or in Mint Coins. Because of the appeal to collectors, coins generally have the greater value. To get the most value, plan on a long-term investment. Gold is considered among the safest investments. It does not collapse in tough economic times. Unlike oil, gold is not controlled by any political organization or government.

In the past few years, gold has shown a steady increase in value. Economists have reported that this trend is likely to continue. In recent years, financial institutions have seen a sharp increase in printed money, which many claim is responsible for the decline in the value of our monetary system. This has also increased the price of gold, as gold cannot be printed or manufactured, which makes it a safe investment, unlike stocks and bonds.

Gold offers several benefits to the investor. Stocks and bonds are liquid, but not tangible. You own a share of something, but not in any physical form. Real estate, on the other hand, is tangible, but not liquid, particularly in today’s buyer’s market. Gold, however, is both. It is a tangible investment. It is a liquid investment, making it one of the most desirable and profitable investments today. Considering our current economy, the time to invest is now!

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Don’t worry about the falling dollar-can be lucky gold mining stocks.

Have you heard the story about the fall of the American dollar?

You are convinced. It is in the News , magazines, and radio talk show.

Have a healthy fear of the fall of the dollar. It is natural. It was very successful in May. It is economic region. Economy of rise and fall wax, slip.

You fear that your whole life, but wrapped in gains and the dollar declines to justify. In other words, is the risk of your child’s future economic collapse.

To avoid financial disaster, use your fears as a fuel.

Finding a safe way to protect the family from financial ruin your using this fuel. One way I is studying investment money was taken and oil stocks.

Need to invest why gold?

F-secure of haven, recession proof products have never declined to 0. Provide a variety of money in a bad economy. Gold price price since 2001, three times. Kim is expected to reach all-time fall dolls.

The “gold mania in the Yukon,” of title, in the New York Times paper recent article discussed the growing popularity of investment gold mine, Yukon.

Chance of the Kolyma gold is not mined California’s California’s gold rush in 1848, James Marshall Sutter in the discovery of gold since this popular.

Dollar’s seven years comes with a fantastic time lost about 29 percent of its value in the past, this new gold rush.

Did you know that users only actual gold and oil products as well as gold mining, oil field investment is not?

I explain I contacted friends working at a securities company and he managed to me how in securities from investment to make big bucks.

May think that the stock is expensive. Could you not like this idea is further from the truth.

Incredible bull market, and because most American investors NASDAQ Dow have missed believe deployment provided by real estate, securities, financial wealth is concentrated.

Potential benefit of the natural resource sector is more exponential index can provide mainly nothing but S & P 500, Canada mining shares.

ROI ( ) is a huge thing.

Give to know go to buy mining investment Canada who learn most about this secret.

However, I share the most live with you on the high depression in America who knows the secret. Buy Canada mining stocks with it.

The majority of the mining company is headquartered in Toronto or Vancouver and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) or Exchange venture two Canada Exchange.

Canada of these entities in addition to that, based on company with offices in the Canada United States, Colorado, Idaho, trade exchanges, junior mining sector.

However, do not put all your eggs in one basket. You must diversify your funds.

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from WebMagnates.org This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

Don’t worry about the falling dollar-can be lucky gold mining stocks.

Have you heard the story about the fall of the American dollar?

You are convinced. It is in the News , magazines, and radio talk show.

Have a healthy fear of the fall of the dollar. It is natural. It was very successful in May. It is economic region. Economy of rise and fall wax, slip.

You fear that your whole life, but wrapped in gains and the dollar declines to justify. In other words, is the risk of your child’s future economic collapse.

To avoid financial disaster, use your fears as a fuel.

Finding a safe way to protect the family from financial ruin your using this fuel. One way I is studying investment money was taken and oil stocks.

Need to invest why gold?

F-secure of haven, recession proof products have never declined to 0. Provide a variety of money in a bad economy. Gold price price since 2001, three times. Kim is expected to reach all-time fall dolls.

The “gold mania in the Yukon,” of title, in the New York Times paper recent article discussed the growing popularity of investment gold mine, Yukon.

Chance of the Kolyma gold is not mined California’s California’s gold rush in 1848, James Marshall Sutter in the discovery of gold since this popular.

Dollar’s seven years comes with a fantastic time lost about 29 percent of its value in the past, this new gold rush.

Did you know that users only actual gold and oil products as well as gold mining, oil field investment is not?

I explain I contacted friends working at a securities company and he managed to me how in securities from investment to make big bucks.

May think that the stock is expensive. Could you not like this idea is further from the truth.

Incredible bull market, and because most American investors NASDAQ Dow have missed believe deployment provided by real estate, securities, financial wealth is concentrated.

Potential benefit of the natural resource sector is more exponential index can provide mainly nothing but S & P 500, Canada mining shares.

ROI ( ) is a huge thing.

Give to know go to buy mining investment Canada who learn most about this secret.

However, I share the most live with you on the high depression in America who knows the secret. Buy Canada mining stocks with it.

The majority of the mining company is headquartered in Toronto or Vancouver and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) or Exchange venture two Canada Exchange.

Canada of these entities in addition to that, based on company with offices in the Canada United States, Colorado, Idaho, trade exchanges, junior mining sector.

However, do not put all your eggs in one basket. You must diversify your funds.

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from WebMagnates.org This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

The Surefire Steps Towards Better Stock Investing

Investing in the stock market is full of risks and compared to the real estate market is a gamble of your money and wealth! Nevertheless, many people have built tremendous wealth from the stock market. They did it because they knew what they were doing. They knew the investing basics and the economic indicators and used it to read the world economy and make sound investments. In a nutshell; that’s really what it takes to succeed in the stock market. The world economy however isn’t an open book! It is a big ambiguous mystery novel full of twists and turns to drag your mind away from the real ending. Those who know how to interpret the world economy and translate its twists and turns into plausible clear indications, will cut through the clutter and win.

The thing that everybody has to understand about the stock market is that this market is not bounded by the walls of the trading center or the limits of the big cities or even the oceans. Literally, anything that happens in the world affects this market and the more any incidence makes people fear the future the more the stock indicators are going to jump up and down like crazy. Fortunately, if there is a well there is always a way. Even nowadays with the dwindling economy, a lot of people are making a lot of money from the stocks market! Why? Because while it does matter what the economy looks like when it comes to stocks, that still doesn’t mean that all the stocks will be worthless. For example, if technology stocks drop, energy or real estate stocks will go up for a couple of reasons connected to the world events and economy! You just have to read the world economy!

These are the surefire ways towards better stock investing:-

1- Read the world economy: – For example, gold was at its cheapest prices back in 1999. That’s because the world was living in a state of relative political calm and the U.S. economy was booming. Oil supply was abundant and there were no fears of shortages or sudden increases in demand. After the events of September 11, the world has changed considerably. Terrorism has become a serious threat. Security measures have shot costs to the roof. The wars that followed in Iraq and Afghanistan have created a new chapter of instability. We outsourced many jobs and opened many factories in China, India, Mexico etc. without knowing that while this reduces manufacturing costs, it created a boom in demand for energy in those countries, which translated to a boom in demand for oil. As a result of all of this, gold and oil prices have shot up, the dollar devalued, inflation soared and the real estate market collapsed because of the rising interest rates of adjustable mortgages. This should give a clear picture of what kind of companies to invest in right now. These are: oil companies, alternative energy companies, Gold mining companies and finally weapon manufacturing companies! I don’t want to be pessimistic, but recovering from this weak economy will not be easy and we have a long way to go in this dark tunnel.

2- Do your due diligence: – Don’t take my words for granted and go ahead and invest in every oil and alternative energy company. Even though you will not regret it, still before investing, technical analysis must be done on any company before you invest. There are certain indicators to look at like: – how much debt to equity ratio this company has, what’s their future expansion plans, how stretched their assets are compared to revenues, what is their real worth in the market (also called book value), what is their P/E ratio, which is the value of the stock compared to its earnings and much more. Put all of these together and draw a picture of how well this company will do. Don’t forget to read the world economy too! A good resource for all of this analysis is CNBC website. They have amazing analysis reports where they have done most of the tough technical analysis hard work for you. You just have to read the world economy and make decisions.

3- Always watch the insiders: – one of the very important ways to succeed in the stock market is to have extra knowledge resources to vaguely or specifically know what is happening inside the office walls of companies. One way to do this is by continuously reading the quarterly reports or called 10-Q reports of companies. What to look for is the stocks selling and buying activity of the company board of directors or the private shareholders. Think of it this way, if the people who know best about what’s happening in their own company are day after day selling large volumes of their stocks, what kind of indication you will get from that. Yes; dump your shares before the stock tanks! Another way is to have good relations with some of the senior managers in the company that you want to invest it. Believe me; this kind of friendship is very valuable.

4- Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket: – as simple as this rule is, you would be surprised how many people are doing it in the stock market in a daily basis. Diversify in your portfolio by investing in different winning sectors and in multiple companies. Even if you know the CEO of a company and he tells you that the stocks of his company will triple in the next week, still don’t take all of your money and buy the stocks of this company.

5- Don’t borrow excessively to create wealth: – Suppose you diversified and did your due diligence, but 80 percent of your money is borrowed and you lost half of it. Financial recovery in this situation is a very hard thing to do. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, start small, build your wealth and take it a step by step. If you don’t have a lot of money, start investing in small capital companies and a lot of good ones are available in the NASDAQ stock exchange. The good thing about small cap companies is that they have a tendency to shoot up in value more than big cap companies in terms of percentage growth. So it will be really worth while your investment if you found that gem in the crowd.

6- Practice, practice and practice: – Even if you have read a lot about using financial indicators, you did a lot of technical stock analysis and you have many insiders, practice before doing the real thing. Start a fictitious portfolio containing real stocks, but with imaginary investments. After a month or two check how well are you are doing. If you are not doing well, go back and see what where you doing wrong because you must’ve did something wrong to choose bad investments. Correct your mistakes and retry. There are free imaginary portfolio tools available by the big online stock brokers like E-trade or Ameritrade. You can use these tools to buy stocks and track stock movements and calculate your earnings and losses instantly. You can also set up a simple Excel sheet to do this tracking.

I personally like the stock market and I think it is the most lucrative and the fastest way to wealth. Real estate is good, but it delivers results over extended periods of time. As long as you know what you are doing, you should have no problems. Read some reports and books about stock investing, practice it a little bit with small amounts of money and learn from your mistakes. Stocks are not risky, they are calculated risks!

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