30 Ways to increase traffic to the site

Site traffic is like the proverbial pot of gold promised at the end of the Rainbow! The Rainbow is there but no pot of gold. Sad, but true!

Bloggers and online business owners… everyone needs traffic. I am sure has been applying techniques for site traffic, let’s do a recognition of what it has been doing and what else can be done.

( 1) Publish videos and watermark with the URL of the site.

( 2) Posts guest send to other sites with a link to your Web site.

( 3) Use services such as FeedBurner or Mail Chimp to build email lists.

( 4) Set up e-mail auto-responder series. Use Aweber.com.

( 5) Write an eBook and distribute it free of charge. Attach a registration form. You can increase the electronic mailing list.

( 6) New Tweet posts in your site or business services frequently. You can automate this process.

( 7) Start a Facebook page in your blog / company name. Updated on a daily basis.

( 8) Launch monthly contests. Increase subscribers and traffic to the site.

( 9) Three times a week, begins a marathon of comment. Comments about similar niche sites. Comments must be linked to your Web site.

( 10) Blog in WordPress self hosted platform.

( 11) Model of PPC advertising for use if you have the budget.

( 12) Started a journal and write about you and your business.

( 13) Start your own podcast channel.

( 14) Share the contents of the Web site Digg.com and StumbleUpon.com.

( 15) Embed blog / email signature business links.

( 16) The hosting service must have high uptime guarantee.

( 17) Use featured slider to focus on popular content pages.

( 18) Publishing articles on article directories to return the traffic of the site and links.

( 19) Customize your approach visitors. Network strongly. Leave a favorable impression.

( 20) Has a mobile version of the Web site.

( 21) Create link wheels with Squidoo.com and HubPages.com.

( 22) Write each month 5 press releases and distribute it. Repeat the process.

( 23) If you have a budget, use Facebook ads but research properly before moving there.

( 24) If it is a business site, get bloggers to review the product and publish comments on their respective blogs. This is an initiative of paid but it was worth it.

( 25) Submit your site to directories of businesses, enlisting in Google places and submit to search engines.

( 26) Do guerrilla marketing.

( 27) Use Market Samurai to trace his rank in the search engine results.

( 28) Install Google Analytics and the objectivesset.

( 29) Get site traffic by adding your blog to Technorati.

( 30) Learn to have opinion about things. Steering wheel helps few feathers and people watch. Do and when people look at you, they want to know about you and where they are going? To your site in line/s.

I know that there are many other ways to get traffic to the site. What is your favorite method?

View the original article here

This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from WebMagnates.org This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.

How to Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings, Effectively? AdSense Insider eBook!

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AppId is over the quota
Increase Adsense earnings Increase Adsense Earnings in Just 30 Minutes!

If you’ve been making money with your blog or website with Google AdSense, you might be interested in some simple tips that can help you get more money from the same traffic that is now receiving.

What? Should not be concentrated in more traffic? No, not really.

It is always ideal to find more sources for traffic and you should continue working on search engine optimization, getting inbound links to your pages to increase visitors to your site. Also, there are several things you can do for your pages to improve the Click Through Rate (CTR) and the value of each visitor (eCPM). And if you raise your eCPM and traffic continues to increase, it will become even more money!

However, what if:

You’re receiving the same traffic – No increase at all.

You’re getting the same CTR and eCPM – No improvement at all.

In this case, the only way to increase adsense earnings is improve the CPC of ads displayed in your web pages. If you’re able to improve the CPC (cost per click you receive per ad) – without the help of CTR or traffic increase – you can improve your earnings. Isn’t it?

But, how can I bring an ad which pays more than regular ones? How can I improve the CPC of my web page to get more revenue from Google adsense? Yes, there is a perfect strategy ‘Google AdSense Insider Secret’ with which you can simply increase the adsense earnings to almost 400% of what you’re receiving right now!

Yes, Google Adsense Insider is a simple strategy which can improve our CPC and overall google adsense earnings. In fact, google wants us to do this – since if we get paid more, so as Google. But you should know how to do it. It’s easy, simple, authentic and working.

This is the topic I’m dealing with my recent eBook release at Warrior Forum – “AdSense Insider Strategy! Increase Your Earnings to a Whopping 400% In Just 30 Minutes!

WSO Daily Review has given a rating of 4.5 out of 5 for this awesome strategy. More than 400 people are using this same strategy to improve their earnings from Google adsense. You can too, the cost of the ebook is $19.00 however if you buy from warriors special offer you will get it for a 50% discount i.e. for just $9.63. Get your copies before the price goes to $19.00

To see the user testimonials and to know more about how to increase CPC & adsense earnings, Click here to visit warrior forum

I work with a team of professionals for NewGenre Business Solutions (Google top’er ‘Quality SEO Services’). Apart from that we own and operate a few services like an online news distribution

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View the original article here