If we carefully look at the present business scenario then we could easily see that in recent time futures trading are gaining its world-wide popularity. In fact it is the most common trading found on many markets these days. As per the latest definitions- it is more like a trading of contracts called futures contracts, which facilitates the owner with power to trade the basic commodity at somewhere in the future for a fixed rate. Moreover, like stocks and options trading, futures trades are done in precise centralized futures commodity trading markets. However, depending upon the type of futures contracts, it can be broadly classified as commodity futures contracts and financial futures contracts.
In commodity futures contracts, trading of contracts end with a physical delivery. They may include agricultural commodity futures like sugar, oats, wheat, rice etc OR energy commodity futures such as crude oil, natural gas, etc; metals & stones like gold, silver, diamond etc. This means that if a trader is holding a futures contract and the time come when it expires, the appropriate payment will be made by the buyer, and the basic commodity (agricultural or energy) will be delivered by the seller. Whereas in financial futures contracts, trading of contracts end with a cash settlement and it include futures for treasury notes, bonds, mutual funds etc.
The futures contract trading can be executed electronically on electronic trading platforms linked to the major commodity exchanges or by the traditional open outcry method on the floor of the exchange. However, the basic form of futures contract is that it must state a location and date for physical delivery of the particular commodity. There are times when delivery arrangements are also specified by the exchange. This is particularly important for commodities that require high transportation costs, which in turn may affect the delivery place.
All those who are involved in commodity future trading must understand that for most commodity futures contracts, daily price movement limits are specified by the exchange. A limit movement is nothing but a move of price that can shift in either direction equal to the daily price limit. If the price moves down by an amount equal to the daily price limit, the contract is said to be limit down. And if the price moves up by the limit then it is said to be limit up. Price limits and positions limits generally aim to avoid large price movements deriving from excessive speculation. However, at times they act as an artificial barrier to trading when the price of the underlying commodity increases or decreases swiftly.
Overall, trading with commodity futures is definitely a good way to make handsome money but there are some essential factors that one has to take care. It is highly volatile in nature and more likely to remain unpredictable mainly because of several factors like geopolitical concerns, contracted demand-supply fundamentals, growth and inflation pressures that put pressure on the global commodity market. It is a most interesting market environment but also a dangerous one as many wars have been fought and many nations & leading companies compete for scarce natural resources and food supplies

Gold investment fundamentals and capital transfers

Central banks of all kinds of pickles.

That’s badly slumping world economy on the overwhelming evidence.
* United Kingdom retail sales worst slump in 20 years to see.

* In Germany at the lowest level in two years

* New Zealand Central Bank economic growth slowed down and interest rates cut inflation is.

* Increase decrease in import and export record crude oil prices Japan Word ratio.

* United States unemployment rate in the four-year highs.

A man by the Central Bank of knee jerk reactions printing machines, is to hit the accelerator. This drug also the last 25 years between work while Central Bank hit not occurred from the 1930s is pre-Keynesian brick wall.

Newly-built Fiat currency carries or multiplier effect fall into the hands of shoestring, the ability to the crippled banking sector and hope that real people in the economy to make loans. Contains the gear and global economic debt carries the Federal Reserve system and its ilk aka established monetary policy is no headwind facing biggest threat

# 1-The money investors are aware of the risks inherent in the current financial system point.

Long banks can be associated with the beauty of capitalism, capital of freedom movement aka hedge & private equity funds to be held holds concentrated than smaller entities are moving rapidly.
* Direct loan mid-to small-caps entity is now also wearing hedge fund territory.

* Extract value through shareholder activism.

*, A large pool of many short sale capital of.

* Increase the private equity fund investment time horizon.

Very secretive and resident and non-transparent behavior is beyond the reach of the central banking system these entities are.

Do benefit from point # 2 hedge funds and private equity funds-fed handouts, and good will – wealth – provides functional currency as stable gold store!

Transfer of the financial system is similar to the explosion of information on the Internet is. Players use proprietary information are less enabled. Winners and losers. Betting against the mega banking system date established such as the right, bet investment money stock, gold ETFs. Will promote a long-term tendency soar Treasury of slow growth, continue to occur with the nonperforming-loan problem and as a result gold investment over a multi-year.

Short term opportunities

Until the above trend has a fast flip over technically, but stretched out over 3 months past the last two weeks. This is a technical pullback has not changed these fundamentals. That investing in gold with this basic story many ( using GLD gold exchange traded fund ) and is can get immediate purchase points for another gold.

Horizontal support confluence with 50 weeks price moving average convergence investment GLD fund-the strong support is $ 85. Before its just us and our position to add another profit money investment, another entry point is a matter of time.

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