
Dropbox is a great service that allows you to store all your most important files online and access them from anywhere. Even with online storage capabilities of this excellent online service, basic file sharing Dropbox features tools as well. This file sharing service does not have all of the tools and features that other sites offer, such as integration with email applications and functions of registration, but only provides the tools you need to send large files from point to point b.

You can send files of any size to anyone using Dropbox. There is no limit placed on the type of file that you can send, so that you can share Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, graphics and pictures, music, videos and many other file types.

All files can be stored on Dropbox online storage. This file-sharing service on-line has four pricing plans, each of which provides a different amount of storage. The amount of storage space ranges from 2 GB to 1 TB. In addition, it is possible to store shared files on your account for a period of time. There is no automatic expiration date attached to any of your files.

This file sharing site also has a desktop application that allows you to access your account and files directly from the desktop of your computer without the need to use a web browser. There are also mobile capabilities, so you can view or share your files while you are traveling from any type of mobile device.

As we mentioned previously, Dropbox doesn’t offer any kind of advanced file-sharing tools. You cannot customize any of your messages with your own logo or color scheme. There is no MS Outlook plugin either. This tool allows you to integrate the service Dropbox with your MS Outlook account to easily access the email addresses of your contacts, and other features that make the process much faster than file sharing.

One of our biggest disappointments with file-sharing features of Dropbox is the lack of monitoring tools. Cannot monitor specific files with this file sharing site, or you can view all activities that occur on those files. This means that you do not know if a file has been downloaded or sent multiple times, or if extensive changes to the contents of the file without looking directly. There is no registry control capabilities this is the file sharing service.

Dropbox is a file-sharing service, very safe, and its security features this service earned the highest marks. All transfers by using this file sharing site on-line are encrypted. In addition, all files are password protected that prevents unauthorized users to access them.

This file sharing site provides an adequate selection of support options. There is a small FAQ section on the Dropbox website that provides answers to many of the most frequently asked questions. There are also additional resources available, including a tour of the features of Dropbox and a community forum. Email support is also available if you need to reach a customer service representative.

Overall, Dropbox is a great service; just not much when it comes to functionality of file sharing. We are pleased to see that the company places many restrictions on sharing files with others but disappointed by his lack of customization options and the inability to integrate with other applications. This file sharing service does not have the recording functions of any kind, which is a big disadvantage; However, its safety features are excellent. If all you’re trying to do is to share files and you do not bother to additional tools, Dropbox can be a good option for you.