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Online Forex Broker Types

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Its not always a case of one forex broker fits all requirements; the kind of online forex broker you choose to sign up with can have a large affect on your trading results.  If you trade over a short duration of time a large spread could render some trading strategies as useless.  Maybe you see the benefits of spread betting but plan on holding trades for weeks on end..this would potentially result in rollover charges which were unacceptable.

Retail traders are not able to utilize the interbank market as they don’t have the required credit facilities with the top Tier banks.  There are however different types of forex broker available which provide inherent benefits and drawbacks.  When it comes to forex brokers; the back office systems they use and precisely how the broker executes the trades they are given carries a substantial influence on how “fit for purpose” they are for the traders using them.  The trade execution speed, transaction fees and spreads on the various currency pairs are all important.

Online forex brokers come in three main categories which we will cover in this article.  Each category has noticeably different methods of working with client orders.

ECN brokers do not have associated dealing desks as they are software driven.  Forex market buyers and sellers are able to transact via the electronic platform provided. This kind of platform is historically associated with institutions or the bigger individual traders. ECN brokers operate in a  similar way to Tier 2 bank.  The ECN broker passes through the available quotes from associated banks for clients to trade.  ECN providers quite often offer lower leverage which means the trader has to tie up more capital in order to trade any size which is potentially a negative factor for many. There is also often no facility for more granular position sizing as only full lot transactions are allowed. These kinds of trading accounts are often said to provide very tight spreads with very fast execution; one can obtain forex spreads as low as to 0.5-1 pips for majors. ECN accounts do not have anti-scalping rules like some of the other accounts do. They do however charge commissions which is potentially a negative factor, or not, depending on your account size.

The most common type of online forex broker out there is known as the market maker. Market makers take the opposite side of any trades that are given to them. When a trader loses money the market maker stands to take that money.  This kind of online forex broker nonetheless gains a certain fee even when you win which is called the spread.  The business model of a market maker is to have enough buy and sell wagers running through their books so they  can make money from the spread with minimized risk exposure. If a market maker receives a large bet they pass this off to another 3rd party and balance the books somewhat.  The average trader will use this kind of service as the spreads are nowadays quite competitive.

Forex brokers who employ this system operate directly with liquidity providers.  No dealing desk brokers function by obtaining the most suitable quotes from a number of diverse liquidity providers. These are typically financial institutions like banks. These no dealing desk brokers execute trades through the different channels they have available to them. This is what allows them to be brokers and what provides these no dealing desk brokers the liquidity to trade. Market speculators utilizing this system have access to instantly executable exchange rates.  These online brokers typically charge commission on a per trade basis or add to the the spread they receive from other market makers.

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