The Anatomy of a dog’s best life attractive email

We love pets, and our own email marketing campaigns with great things and when you find your pet related business so it warms our hearts.

Sarah Hansen’s website and take the dog’s best life. She continues to average 50% open rates of email, thanks in large part to her fun email marketing design and content.

We have what Sarah’s email so wonderful for you, there are a few email design inspiration knit and hopes to spark.

Sarah’s glimpse of the email is the following:

Want to see her full email? You can see here.

Mouth: Editor’s note -at the top of every email that greets the reader Sara and they provide a preview of what to talk about. She also encourages readers to contact her and her social media network links.

Eyes: readers ‘ photos -share photos of their pets, such as people, and looking at the pictures of other cats. Just I can Cheezburger. one of her readers ‘ pet’s picture features section including the Subscriber is a great way to participate.

Nose: relative sponsors -is a great way to earn some extra cash in your email the right way, including in advertising and it’s also subscribers. to help complete. Sarah is perfect for her audience, and are equipped with a site that sell accessories.

Ears: Reader request -all the email asked readers to submit entries you’d like to see them. The value to subscribers of her Sara, creating relevant content, and to care about the content they want high open rate lead. provide

Tail: access archives -subscribers can read the old email archives, which contains links to the end of each email: tips and want to see the topics already covered, is a great option for new subscribers.

Is it her site, and we explain from the point of view of her email canine Anatomy would be perfect. Take a look at:

What is your newsletter do you think it is important to include? What do you think of annoying email?

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