IBM Lotus Domino or Microsoft Exchange.

IBM Lotus Domino or Microsoft Exchange.
While Microsoft and solutions – IBM collaboration continues to stiff competition from two major leaders for many years. Whether the impact on platform selection, regular users? Efforts to improve the experience of working for software giant quit both Internet users. New ideas on platform integration, global account has appeared are about the same products. Have interesting projects realized in both companies.
Add-on for Outlook free: Notes connector
Client Microsoft Outlook that Microsoft supports free add-on you can connect to the Lotus Domino server message and collaboration. Office Outlook Connector for IBM Lotus Domino using the Microsoft Outlook 2002 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, e-mail messages, calendar, contacts, and tasks) items, you can access IBM Lotus Domino Release 5.x or release 6.x server.
Domino access for Microsoft Outlook 6.5.1
Offers do not have to retrain your solution for businesses looking to migrate from Microsoft Exchange new IBM Lotus Domino access Microsoft Outlook 6.5.1. Employees of the company is using an existing Outlook client run their messaging, calendar and scheduling, personal information management (PIM) services and Microsoft Exchange server infrastructure, operation and hardware, such as Linux on system, you can continue the exchange of the Lotus Domino server.
Lotus Domino 6.5: the Microsoft Windows family (SE 95, 98, NT SP6a, 2000 SP3, XP, 2003 ); Sun Solaris; Linux is Linux unified.
Microsoft Windows family of Lotus Notes 6.5:; Macintosh OS X (10.1, 10.2).
8.0 Or Lotus Domino Web Access 6.5:;7.2 Microsoft Windows family is the Red Hat Linux 1.0 vs. Linux SuSE Linux 8.0, v. v. United States of America. Supported browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, and 6.0; v. Mozilla 1.3.1 v. Linux

The Gold-To-Oil and Gold-To-Silver Ratios – What Are They Saying?

The gold-to-oil ratio is at ten-year highs – a single ounce of gold can now purchase 22+ barrels of WTIC crude. But what does it mean?
For individuals, gold remains the best insurance against future shocks and the best store of value. – William Rees-Mogg, Times Online
There has been a lot of talk lately about the gold-to-oil and gold-to-silver ratios. This is understandable, as both ratios are further out of whack than they have been for a long time. The gold-to-oil ratio, for one, is now at ten-year highs. The gold-to-silver ratio is similarly extended, though not by nearly as much as gold-to-oil.
For gold-to-silver, the 200-month moving average is 57 and the current value (as of this writing) is a touch above 69 – meaning a single ounce of gold is worth 69 ounces of silver. The 200-month simple moving average tells us that 57 is closer to the norm. So that puts a better than 20% premium on the price of gold versus silver (based on U.S. exchange-traded futures contracts).
Analysts have looked at these relationships and come to some interesting conclusions. Some feel strongly that it’s time to buy oil (or silver). Others feel – quite foolishly in my opinion – that it’s time to short gold. Let me expand on a few key points here so you can come to your own conclusions.
First of all, many investors and traders have gotten into the habit of throwing gold, oil and silver all into the same bucket – the “inflation expectations” bucket. Reason being, when inflation comes roaring back, all this stuff should come roaring back too (as the value of paper currencies plunges).
That’s the basic theory. But it’s also a bit simplistic. We need to remember that all three of these commodities lead “double lives,” so to speak. There is more to the equation than just inflation expectations.
Oil’s Industrial Role
Oil, remember, is an industrial good. We use it to power nearly everything that moves (and a lot of stuff that sits still).
During oil’s run-up to $147 a barrel, the world was barreling ahead (no pun intended) at full steam. A global economic boom was under way, and the supply/demand balance for oil was very tight.
When the global economy fell into recession, though, global oil demand fell too. That slip in demand at the margins was enough to send oil prices crashing through the floor. Remember that the demand for commodities (and most everything come to think of it) is determined at the margins. The price is set by the most desperate buyer (or anxious seller).
So when there was very little daylight between supply and demand, the price of crude just kept marching higher. But it didn’t take much of a drop-off in demand before, suddenly, the world had excess oil on its hands, as we were no longer burning up every last drop of the 86.4 million barrels being pumped out each day.
When the price of oil went into freefall, sharp-eyed traders saw a chance to store the stuff in tankers and wait for higher prices to return. But eventually most of the storage facilities filled up, and the stuff just kept coming. And so crude continued to fall. Peak oil is still in effect, mind you. It’s just a long-term type phenomenon that needs a rising global demand trend to really have effect.
When the global economy gets back on track, oil demand will relentlessly tick back up. Think of long-term oil demand as the needle on a dial: At some point growth will take us back to 86 million barrels per day… 86.5 million… 87 million and beyond.
When those days come back, oil will be expensive again as we run headlong into a production ceiling. For now, though, oil is cheap.
The Golden Thermometer
Gold has a “double life” too. Or maybe two double lives, if you count jewelry and ceremonial demand. The double life we’re going to talk about here is gold’s role as a general anxiety barometer – a sort of thermometer for how the world is doing. Gold is the ultimate safe haven asset. It’s the thing you buy when nothing else can be trusted.
Furthermore, gold has earned its safe haven reputation over a history of thousands of years, whereas the present-day fiat currency experiment is less than 40 years old (dating back to Nixon’s shutting of the gold window in 1971). Four decades versus multiple millennia… hmm, is there any wonder people are flocking to gold in this time of great upheaval?
The other wild thing about gold is the supply/demand picture. We just talked about the ugly supply picture for crude oil right now – how the stuff is overflowing because the world isn’t burning it.
With gold the opposite is true. There just isn’t enough gold in the world to even begin to satisfy total demand right now. Consider that the total dollar value of all the gold ever mined, at present prices, is something like 4 trillion to 4.5 trillion dollars.
Four trillion bucks is a drop in the bucket. Foreign central banks already hold at least $3 trillion worth of U.S. Treasury securities, with trillions more set to be issued in 2009. The Federal Reserve alone has nearly 2 trillion dollars on its balance sheet – one entity with paper assets and obligations totaling close to half the worth of all the gold in the world!
Central banks around the globe would probably love to own lots more gold. But they know that they can’t buy it in size, because if they tried to they would run the price into the stratosphere.
That’s why, even now, countries like China, India, Russia and Japan have 3% or less of their total reserve holdings in gold. If they made a concerted effort to ditch dollar-denominated assets and up that total, the price of gold would explode.
Supply, Demand and Anxiety
In light of this information, the extreme highs of the gold-to-oil ratio make perfect sense.
Oil is in a deep funk right now due to the supply/demand situation and the prospect for a continued slump in global economic activity. While there is reason to be long-term bullish crude, there is little reason to expect a higher oil price until global demand trends show signs of returning to form.
Gold, on the other hand, is in high demand right now as a safety blanket – a salve for the general anxieties brought on by flailing governments, out-of-control printing presses, and mass “stimulus” schemes that get bigger by the day. There is not enough gold to go around right now. Hunger for the yellow metal is waxing, not waning.
As for the gold-to-silver ratio, gold’s 20% premium isn’t hard to understand there either. While silver is a bona fide “precious” metal, it is also an industrial metal… and silver has less psychological traction as an anxiety barometer.
There will come a day when the price of silver could explode, and perhaps even rocket past gold like it was standing still in percentage performance terms. But we will need to enter a mania phase for that to happen, and we are far from seeing that just yet. People are buying precious metals more out of a safety motive than a speculative one at this point, and so silver waits.
A Word on Economic Revival
There is another point that is important to address. Some pundits in the “sell” camp argue that gold will be ripe for a fall when economic recovery starts to take hold. When the sun begins to shine again, they reason, investors will come back to traditional equities and hoary old gold will go back in the closet.
I don’t think so, and here is why – the U.S. Fed and Treasury would consider the return of serious inflation a “win” at this point. Right now, Ben Bernanke and his global counterparts are doing everything they can to fight a deflationary death spiral. Inflation is a mosquito bite in comparison.
And so, in a dangerously deflationary world – the one we inhabit at this present moment – noticeable and persistent inflation pressures must take hold in order for us to have clear assurance that the Fed and Treasury’s rescue policies have worked.
And because mass stimulation is a highly inexact science, we won’t get to choose the amount of inflation we get. When you dynamite the deflationary dam, so to speak, you don’t get a say in whether it’s a trickle or a flood that results. The same goes for the Fed’s reflation efforts.
This leads to the odd conclusion that, in the event we see signs of recovery accompanied by signs of inflation, gold’s upside movement could actually accelerate. But it’s really not so odd, when you think about it, because the price of gold is anticipating a future outburst of inflation here. Either that, or the debasement of all paper currencies into oblivion. One’s as good as the other as far as gold bulls are concerned.
Runaway Train?
In conclusion, I would argue that the extraordinary nature of the gold-to-oil ratio at this point is merely a reflection of extraordinary times.
We have seen a global deflationary bust knock down the price of oil, even as general anxiety and currency debasement fears have sent the price of gold rocketing higher. We are also seeing a marked divergence in the supply/demand picture, with plenty of oil to go round but not nearly enough of the yellow stuff.
I am chomping at the bit to go long oil and gas at some point in the coming year, but not as a currency debasement play. I’ll wait for global demand to show signs of life before getting on that train. As for the gold train… if the $900 level holds, we could see another blast of upside movement soon as all the “wait for a pullback” folks get nervous and pile in.
And silver, which is still very much playing second fiddle at this point, will likely start going nuts once we hit the true “mania” phase – which we are nowhere near as of

Trading Gold and Silver – When and Why to Buy Gold and Silver

In times of economic and political uncertainty traders are often advised to invest in gold and silver – the Precious Metals. But is this the right thing to do? Historically, investing in gold, silver or platinum was seen as a sure-fire way of protecting your wealth against the fluctuations in the economy during periods of political unrest or economic down turn. Gold still holds a special place in people’s hearts as a means of ‘storing’ wealth during an economic crisis. However a closer look at the markets shows that buying gold during a financial crisis is not in fact the best option for people looking for a return on their investment. Indeed the smart investor only needs to take a look at the relationship between the gold and silver markets and the US dollar to spot the problem. Over the past 35 years there has been an inverse relationship between the value of the US dollar and these precious metals. Put simply, the price of gold rises when the US dollar falls.
The price of gold rises during political unrest as people flood the market wanting to protect their assets, but it falls when a financial crisis actually hits and the smart money heads for the safety of US Government bonds and hence buying the US dollar. Therefore gold is not the safe haven it is thought to be during a financial crisis. In fact comparisons of the S&P500 index and the gold market has shown that while the price of gold may rise in times of economic and political instability, driven by people opting for the ‘safe’ option, so too can the S&P500 index. For example in 1979 gold rose from $1,042 at the beginning of the year to $1646 by January 1980. During the same time the S&P500 index rose from 97 to 117. This was during a period when we had the Iranian revolution, the US embassy hostage drama in Tehran, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a second oil crisis and subsequent high inflation, and political turmoil in the UK. When the stock market dropped by 19% at the beginning of 1980, so too did gold – falling 30% during that year. So investing in gold during times of political uncertainty is no better or worse than investing in the S&P500
During the 1990s, in the wave of the technology boom, people invested in US companies rather than the gold market. This increased the value of the US dollar but had a negative impact on the price of gold. Then, when the technology markets crashed, and the US Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to zero, the price of gold started to rise. It continued to rise as the US dollar was further devalued when the US government started deficit spending and waging a series of expensive wars. In fact the largest trends in the gold and silver markets have been a decline since 1980 (when the economy was booming) until 2001, followed by a continuous rally as the Government has struggled to reduce its deficit and curb its spending.
Another consideration when dealing in the Precious Metals market is that although the prices of gold, silver and platinum are usually strongly correlated and move together, occasionally gaps appear. For example platinum had a huge rally in 2008 and silver fell behind gold in 2010. Despite these fluctuations the markets will usually stabilize and synchronize eventually.
The best way to make the most of your investment capital is to buy gold (or silver) when there is intense political and economic uncertainty. But as soon as the financial crisis actually hits, move out of gold and into the US dollar. Remember to always keep your trading capital to the strongest possible currency. It is worth tracking all the major currencies, including the Euro, the Australian Dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Singapore Dollar and Canadian dollar, so you pick the strongest currency for your base trading capital. Whether you are trading gold and silver or not, tracking the weekly commitment of traders data will give you an overall picture of the strength of the US dollar and therefore the best opportunities for investment during a financial

How to make money Online Fast

I’m bored of that 9-5 job, you’re working in? Of course you are! Why work a boring 9-5 job when you can earn 5 x more $ $ $ from home! Don’t worry, I’m here to help you earn more easily, all you need to do is put to work.

So, you want to make more money? Who does not? Those who want to work 9-5? Who wants to be told what to do? Who wants to drag themselves out of bed in the morning to a work full of bs? Who would want to be earning money “enough” for themselves when you can earn 5 x more on your monthly salary? I thought to myself, I want to earn more and be my boss, so I did!

I really cannot make this point any clearer-THE BRAINDEAD could do this! So why doesn’t everyone do your thinking, it is because most people think you need some degree or years of experience, NO YOU don’t, it’s simple, simple, simpler. Everything is perhaps necessary to succeed you where born with-your brain. You do not need to be smart, everything you need is an idea and the drive to achieve your goal-to be better than you are. Have the opportunity to be better than you ever thought, have more money, have more success, more than you ever thought of traveling! You do not need to have 3-inch thick glasses for this one, become a geek, you become more successful! People will want to be you!

So what’s the next step? Well, there is a famous saying, and it is too true. People may not like, but it is a 100%, no declaration of bs, and this is where people get scared-“you must spend money to make money!” Nothing in life is free. Anything. You can’t claim money to come rolling, if you havnt put the work into it.

So when I got bored with my job, I went on the internet, using several different methods of earning money online, all these that promise the world and never pay. I spent about 6 months of doing this, getting angry with all the promises and no results. Just as I was about to give, a friend of mine, who has done this for a few years, earning over $ 85,000 a year to … do nothing! Yes, the first year has put the work, put the money in, put the effort into it, but now, he literally sits back and watched come in, it’s really simple! So I said to him, “Mike, what you did to get that much, I tried all of these methods and I’m the little money, what can you do?” I said exactly what I need to know-

You live only for days 28,251-Make it happen now!

So, I decided to buck my ideas, spend money to make money. Mike I made reference to a great website, a tried and tested method that he actually uses the same, and now use it as my Bible. Spend money to make money! As you’re still reading, I’m guessing your willing to spend money to make money. This is the first step you’ve taken-to make your first $ 5,000!

The site that Mike and I had Your Bill Killer. Of course, a name of cheese, but who cares for the names? When you can make you $ 5,000 is your first weeks? So when I came to this site, I thought $ 49.99/£ 25 isn’t bad, and then I was swayed when it said that if you were not happy within 56 days, then that will give you your money back, no questions asked. So there’s really nothing to lose.

When you buy Your Bill Killer you get everything you need to get up there to succeed. It is too easy to do!

The most important thing to remember here is that you need to spend money to make money, so don’t get scared off by the fact that you have to spend anything to get where you want to be. If you do it correctly, you can make that money back into the first day!

How to learn to actually make money Online

As the economy has struggled over the last few years, more and more folks are looking to the net to replace or supplement their incomes. Several months ago I made the jump and now work as a stay at home/work from home dad. I had a related sarcastically ask me a few days ago “Does anyone really make money online?” As some of you know the short answer is “yes”, but I wanted to take the opportunity to give my long answer. I wanted to share some of my personal/professional revelations over the last year.

I was speaking with my father a few days ago about my transformation from “Cooperate America” to my home office, and remembered my emotional and mental anguish over the decision. I imagine there is a growing segment of the population that is currently looking for home-based opportunities. These “opportunities” general fall under four categories:

? Multi-level Marketing
? Affiliate programs
? Home based start-ups
? Home based franchises

I took a good look at several options under each category in the year leading up to my exodus. I would encourage anyone who is considering making the jump to take a few months to consider options under each category carefully. There are certainly pros and cons to each. Although this article is not about an in-depth look at each option, I will mention; as a veteran of the MLM industry, it usually takes several months at best to build up any income from almost any MLM. The only exception that I have found to that statement is if one is selling it successfully online.

I want to digress into my personal past experience a bit because I believe it may be helpful and relevant to many others. Here is how I became an online entrepreneur:

About a year and half ago I was still working at week 55 plus hours. I had been doing that for several years. I worked in a very high stress attorney’s office in the Twin Cities. Aside from the hours, what I was doing was “emotionally, mentally, and spiritually draining. I would drag myself home between 8 and 9:0 pm every night. I saw my wife and kids about an hour a day back then. My oldest, Luke, who was two at the time needed my attention so I would put him to bed and I literally saw my youngest (who was 4 months at the time) about 15 minutes a day.

In June of 2009 my family had a wedding to attend and as usually I had to work so my wife and kids drove up ahead of me. I met them the next day. My wife was getting out of her car and had her hands full so she asked me to get my youngest, Nathan, out of the car. I will never forget it. I opened the car door, and I’m telling you, he did not know who I was! I mean, he took one look at me, beat red, and let out a blood curdling scream!

That was a pivotal moment in my life, folks. Don’t get me wrong I went back to work on Monday for another 55 hour week. I had a mortgage and a car note to pay. However, I realized I was messing up. I had to make a change and get out of the modern day slavery that I had believed was the “American Dream.”

I don’t think I was a-typical. Most people in modern America are driving themselves into the ground trying to survive, or maybe even get ahead in today’s economy. I thought that if I made enough money, no matter what, that would be best for my family. At the risk of sounding cliche folks, life must have a balance. Most of us need to find some way to slow down.

As I hope we all know, our value to our families is about a lot more then what we can physically provide. I am, of course, talking about the love, nurturing, and support that we provide to our children; as well as the companionship to our spouses.

With these profound revelations swirling in my head, I set out to escape my situation. I knew the goal was more time with my family. I had spent fifteen years in the fundraising and collection industries. Although there was home based opportunity in those industries, my heart told me it was time to find a brand new adventure. The logically went through the four above categories of options and looked at many different companies and programs. If you are currently going through that process, I would like to give you some solid advice: don’t BUY HYPE! Seriously look into any opportunity before jumping into (especially an MLM). Don’t buy hype. Don’t sell hype. At the end of the day jumping into a situation without having a solid plan of action for success can cost you much more than your time.

I eventually came to a realization: If I was going to really make money from home it was likely going to be largely online. I started looking at the countless claims on the internet. There is one thing we can all agree on: There is an almost unlimited opportunity to make money online! I don’t care if you’re selling an eBook on how to get your pets pee smell out of the living room carpet. There’s a thousand people out there buying-if you can master internet marketing. Wrap your mind round this one, my friends. On any given day there are over 1, .000 people online 407.724. You can’t tell me to 100 aren’t looking for the best way to get to smell out their carpet. Hypothetically, even at 3 bucks a piece, that is $ 300 per day!

On that note, I have to warn you not to be fooled by thousands of videos, books, programs, and that promise to make an “overnight millionaire, an online marketer, and all you have to do is buy this program for $ 500 and push the enter key on your keyboard. Now watch the dollars magically flow into your bank account! ” Possibly I’m embellishing a bit here, but the reality is that there must be 10.000 programs and videos online that pretty much make that claim. If you take one thing away from this article I hope it is not to waste your money in the hope of making a successful career change based off of a $ 500 training program.

The truth is, if you really want to learn successful online marketing to good training program is likely going to cost you 1500 plus dollars. There are several good ones currently online. Some run as high as $ 5,000 to learn just one aspect of online mastery, so look at the curriculum very carefully. Consult someone who knows all the aspects of internet marketing to make sure that what you are looking into is the real deal. Any good university style training is going to take some time and must be accompanied by an instructor, mentor, someone who is willing and able “answer questions as they come up. Without this, you are likely to run into many little problems that can take you weeks to figure out without someone to ask. I am writing this article to encourage others not to fall into the trap of wasting thousands of dollars by purchases “pieces of the puzzle” only to fail because they do not have the full picture.

For example, you could master 90% of SEO techniques, but if you do not have good keyword research you will fail at any internet marketing. Another big fallacy is that you need to spend money to make money on the internet. I have found that it is very possible to get to the top of organic searches through many free tactics. They aren’t exactly free … they do take effort and know-how.

If you considering doing anything online you need to have good internet marketing training to succeed. Earlier in my journey I spent over 100 hours developing a membership site. This cost of the site was around 12 k. Most entrepreneurs spend thousands to build fancy sites and lose money because they do not know how to market their product, service, or opportunity online.

So I would encourage you, if you are on a similar journey, to ask yourself: What is it worth to learn internet marketing? Take a good look at your options to do so, but don’t get led into spending money for a piece of the puzzle. Invest in a comprehensive training program and the newly found expertise will change your life! I have the ability to make more from home now than I ever would have been capable of working for someone else!

How to earn money Online for your stay at home Moms

Many people think that earn extra money online is as easy as turning point
a light switch, let me tell you folks, is actually rather difficult especially
If you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend on marketing tools and
advertising is different from your internet connection.

So as you earn extra money online when you don’t know anything about
computer programming or writing a sales letter or running a real business
on the internet for that matter? Where you start? Go to,
some gurus who is making millions, half the time that I do not understand what
heck they are talking about.

What you need is a step by step guide that will teach you the basics
How to earn extra income online, even if you are a stay at home mom.
The e-book is in pdf format, which means that you need a player that will be
allows you to open and read the book.

Couple of weeks ago I bought an e-book called “Beginners list Formula”
by Mike Peter. This e-book is written in a language that you and
I can understand, plus it’s really easy to follow and is intended
newbies (people who are new to internet marketing) or for people who
want to start building their opt-in list from scratch, like me.

In the first few pages, Mike explains why he wrote the book that
It was a result from siminars who had done in the past to help people
actually start making money and to understand the process that takes
to put together a sustainable business.

The following pages, Mike describes the Foundation to start your
online business (Yes, you have to treat it as a business) and how
get organize building opt-in list. The first step is the construction
a list of prospects, your future customers loyal and Mike explains
How can maximize your earning potential while building your

Mike Peter then explains which tools you need to start and
shows you how to work the entire process. The exhibition of simple flowchart
as the prospect gets to your squeezpage/landing page, fill in the
form, leads them to a page of OTO, thank you page or
Page co-registration and until the prospect receiving your autoresponder

The e-book will explain to you what all those words if you’re not
familiar with them. Once you learn how each work tools and how to
all tie together and how to drive traffic to your squeeze page, Mike
will show you how to take the next step, which is creating its own
information products. Audio Podcast that comes with the ebook gives
You have ideas on how to create your own product.

I guess if you’re new to internet marketing, you should concentrate
your effort in finding your customers, what kind of customers are you
going to target and discover what they want and find a way to give
to them, then take massive action.

The e-book is brandable, which means that you can modify the affliate links
in e-book with its so that when a prospects buy the book from
You will earn commissions should he/she joins a particular program
and makes a purchase. That is the best part about the e-book that I like.

The only thing I disliked about this e-book is that once
The offer is too high and don’t recommend for beginner marketers.
You can see what a OTO or one time offer is and how you can do more
money from your list building efforts. The e-book itself is a great
Primer for newbie marketer and certainly will help you get started
earn money online, even if you are a stay at home mom, I highly
recommend this e-book.